While-clause in T-SQL that loops forever


Solution 1

Are you operating in explicit or implicit transaction mode?

Since you're in explicit mode, I think you need to surround the DELETE operation with BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION statements.

WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ShoppingCartItem WHERE ShoppingCartItem.PurchID = @PurchID)
            @TmpGFSID = ShoppingCartItem.GFSID, 
            @TmpQuantity = ShoppingCartItem.Quantity,
            @TmpShoppingCartItemID = ShoppingCartItem.ShoppingCartItemID,
            ShoppingCartItem INNER JOIN GoodsForSale on ShoppingCartItem.GFSID = GoodsForSale.GFSID
    WHERE ShoppingCartItem.PurchID = @PurchID

    EXEC @ErrorCode = spGoodsForSale_ReverseReservations @TmpGFSID, @TmpQuantity
    IF @ErrorCode <> 0
            Goto Cleanup    


        DELETE FROM ShoppingCartItem WHERE ShoppingCartItem.ShoppingCartItemID = @TmpShoppingCartItemID
        -- @@ROWCOUNT is 1 after this


Clarification: The reason you'd need to use transactions is that the delete doesn't actually happen in the database until you do a COMMIT operation. This is generally used when you have multiple write operations in an atomic transaction. Basically, you only want the changes to happen to the DB if all of the operations are successful.

In your case, there's only 1 operation, but since you're in explicit transaction mode, you need to tell SQL Server to really make the changes.

Solution 2

    on ShoppingCartItem.GFSID = GoodsForSale.GFSID

Oops, your join brings the result set down to zero rows.

    @TmpGFSID = ShoppingCartItem.GFSID,
    @TmpQuantity = ShoppingCartItem.Quantity,
    @TmpShoppingCartItemID =

Oops, you used multi-assignment against a set with no rows. This causes the variables to remain unchanged (they will have the same value that they had last time through the loop). The variables do NOT get assigned to null in this case.

If you put this code at the start of the loop, it will (correctly) fail faster:

    @TmpGFSID = null,
    @TmpQuantity = null,
    @TmpShoppingCartItemID = null

If you change your code to fetch a key (without joining) and then fetching the related data by key in a second query, you'll win.

Solution 3

Is there a record in ShoppingCartItem with that @PurchID where the GFSID is not in the GoodsForSale table? That would explain why the EXISTS returns true, but there are no more records to delete.

Markus Olsson
Author by

Markus Olsson

Developer at GitHub. Working on GitHub Desktop and other fun projects

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Markus Olsson
    Markus Olsson about 2 years

    I was recently tasked with debugging a strange problem within an e-commerce application. After an application upgrade the site started to hang from time to time and I was sent in to debug. After checking the event log I found that the SQL-server wrote ~200 000 events in a couple of minutes with the message saying that a constraint had failed. After much debugging and some tracing I found the culprit. I've removed some unnecessary code and cleaned it up a bit but essentially this is it

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ShoppingCartItem WHERE ShoppingCartItem.PurchID = @PurchID)
        SELECT TOP 1 
            @TmpGFSID = ShoppingCartItem.GFSID, 
            @TmpQuantity = ShoppingCartItem.Quantity,
            @TmpShoppingCartItemID = ShoppingCartItem.ShoppingCartItemID,
            ShoppingCartItem INNER JOIN GoodsForSale on ShoppingCartItem.GFSID = GoodsForSale.GFSID
        WHERE ShoppingCartItem.PurchID = @PurchID
        EXEC @ErrorCode = spGoodsForSale_ReverseReservations @TmpGFSID, @TmpQuantity
        IF @ErrorCode <> 0
            Goto Cleanup    
        DELETE FROM ShoppingCartItem WHERE ShoppingCartItem.ShoppingCartItemID = @TmpShoppingCartItemID
        -- @@ROWCOUNT is 1 after this


    1. There's only one or two records matching the first select-clause
    2. RowCount from the DELETE statement indicates that it has been removed
    3. The WHILE-clause will loop forever

    The procedure has been rewritten to select the rows that should be deleted into a temporary in-memory table instead so the immediate problem is solved but this really sparked my curiosity.

    Why does it loop forever?

    Clarification: The delete doesn't fail (@@rowcount is 1 after the delete stmt when debugged) Clarification 2: It shouldn't matter whether or not the SELECT TOP ... clause is ordered by any specific field since the record with the returned id will be deleted so in the next loop it should get another record.

    Update: After checking the subversion logs I found the culprit commit that made this stored procedure to go haywire. The only real difference that I can find is that there previously was no join in the SELECT TOP 1 statement i.e. without that join it worked without any transaction statements surrounding the delete. It appears to be the introduction of the join that made SQL server more picky.

    Update clarification: brien pointed out that there's no need for the join but we actually do use some fields from the GoodsForSale table but I've removed them to keep the code simply so that we can concentrate on the problem at hand

  • Informatic0re
    Informatic0re almost 16 years
    He said the rowcount on the delete is 1, so it is deleting the item.
  • Markus Olsson
    Markus Olsson almost 16 years
    that sounds plausible, could you please elaborate on why I should surround it with transaction statements.
  • Markus Olsson
    Markus Olsson almost 16 years
    That's not it since the delete doesn't fail, @@rowcount is 1 after the delete.
  • Informatic0re
    Informatic0re almost 16 years
    He clarified that the delete was successful, so I don't think that would explain it.
  • Nemanja Vujacic
    Nemanja Vujacic almost 13 years
    I'm trying to do similar thing with update statement, but even when I include transaction in my script, it still doesn't work and enter in forever loop. My script is: declare AtPart varchar(20) (I placed At instead of monkey sign, only here because of rules for writing comments) while exists ((select top 1 * from partiidev p where isnull(brojRacuna,'')='') begin set AtPart=(select top 1 partija from partiidev p where isnull(brojRacuna,'')='') begin transaction t1 update partiidev set BrojRacuna= (select dbo.dev_brojracuna (AtPart)) where partija like AtPart commit transaction t1 end