Why can't I create a logical partition with `gparted`?


I solved it. All I've done is letting 1MB gap at each side of the partition and setting align to 'none'.

Still I don't understand why this is necessary.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Falk
    Falk almost 2 years

    I'm trying to create a logical partition inside an extended partition but gparted doesn't let me do it.

    My setup:

    • System: Ubuntu 16.04
    • Partitioning software: gparted 0.25.0

    HDD 1TB

    • /dev/sda1: extended partition (covers all the space)
      • /dev/sda6: 32GiB system root partition
      • /dev/sda7: 113GiB data partition
      • /dev/sda5: 664GiB main data partition
      • 114GiB Free space I want to use as new partition, not as a part of sda5
      • /dev/sda8: 8GiB swap

    Do I have to umount the system root partition?

    Is there a workaround?

    Is it just a bug?

    Why does this happen?

    I don't want to run a live CD/USB just to create a partition.

    Yes, I know partition numbers are not ordered, but I'm using UUID anyway so who cares. I also know there are almost 70GB missing. This is because GiB is not equal to GB, and the brands sell HDD with measuring unit of 10^12 bytes instead of 2^40 bytes.

    • Kamil Maciorowski
      Kamil Maciorowski about 7 years
      How exactly gparted doesn't let you? Have you tried other tools (like fdisk, gdisk)?
    • Kamil Maciorowski
      Kamil Maciorowski about 7 years
      Please leave this question open (don't accept your own answer), so maybe someone will eventually explain to us what happened. I find it interesting. I have changed the question title and emphasized the "why?" part.
    • Falk
      Falk about 7 years
      maybe the correct question should be something like: why do logical partitions need a 1MB gap at each side in gparted?
    • Admin
      Admin about 6 years
      this might have nothing to do with not using live session. from a live usb i had the same problem and solved in the same way.
    • Admin
      Admin about 6 years
  • Kamil Maciorowski
    Kamil Maciorowski about 7 years
    +1 Although this short answer gives a workaround only and explains nothing, I appreciate it could be a life-saver for someone with similar problem.
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    How have you found about this trick? --- As it is the answer was short but efficient for me too (after solus linux failing to format and install on that partition; worked after formatting it in gparted as you said). - Only I wasn't able to format from a live usb, until I used those settings. This might have nothing to do with being in live session or not.
  • Falk
    Falk about 6 years
    @cipricus I had an intuition and tried it out.
  • Falk
    Falk about 6 years
    Sometimes trying out is easier than read lot's of documentation and sourcecode. On the other hand just tring things can be dangerous.
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    the possible question that you phrased in a past comment : - unix.stackexchange.com/q/438773/32012