Why does the property I want to mock need to be virtual?


Solution 1

Moq and other similar mocking frameworks can only mock interfaces, abstract methods/properties (on abstract classes) or virtual methods/properties on concrete classes.

This is because it generates a proxy that will implement the interface or create a derived class that overrides those overrideable methods in order to intercept calls.

Solution 2

I've created an interface and wrapper class. e.g.

    public interface IWebClient
        string DownloadString(string url);

    public class WebClient : IWebClient
        private readonly System.Net.WebClient _webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();

        public string DownloadString(string url)
            return _webClient.DownloadString(url);

and then in your unit tests just mock out the interface:

        var mockWebClient = new Mock<IWebClient>();

Obviously you may need to include more properties / methods. But does the trick.

Another useful trick for other mocking problems, such as modifying the current date time (I always use UTC date time):

public interface IDateTimeUtcNowProvider
    DateTime UtcNow { get; } 

public class DateTimeUtcNowProvider : IDateTimeUtcNowProvider
    public DateTime UtcNow { get { return DateTime.UtcNow; } }

e.g. if you have a service that runs every x minutes you can just mock out the IDateTimeProvider and return a time that is later to check the service ran again... or whatever.

Solution 3

"So....what i did is the only way?"

No not the only way - you are much better off implementing an interface and mocking that. Then your actual methods can be virtual or not as you choose.

Author by


~ Past ~: Mainframes (Model 204, JCL) Java (J2SE, J2EE) Oracle VB.NET ASP.NET Web Forms/MVC ~ Present ~ .NET Core TDD, DDD (all the DDs!) Microservices Containers

Updated on December 03, 2020


  • RPM1984
    RPM1984 over 3 years

    I'm doing some unit testing, and mocking some properties using Moq.

    Now, this is a Controller test (ASP.NET MVC 3). My Controllers derive from an abstract controller, called AbstractController.

    This controller has a dependency on the Http Context (in order to do things like theming, domain-specific logic based on HTTP HOST headers, etc).

    This is done via a property called WebSiteSettings:

    public abstract class AbstractController : Controller
       public WebSiteSettings WebSiteSettings { get; private set; }
       // other code

    Notice the private set - the ctor sets it up. So, i changed it to used an interface, and that's what i've mocked:

    public IWebSiteSettings WebSiteSettings { get; private set; }

    I then created a "FakeWebSiteSettings", which mocks the Http Context in order for it to read the HTTP headers.

    The problem is, when i run the test, i get a NotSupportedException:

    Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: x => x.WebSiteSettings

    Here's the relevant mocking code:

    var mockWebSiteSettings = new Mock<FakeWebSiteSettings>();
    var mockController = new Mock<MyController>(SomeRepository);
    mockController.Setup(x => x.WebSiteSettings).Returns(mockWebSiteSettings.Object);
    _controller = mockController.Object;
    var httpContextBase = MvcMockHelpers.FakeHttpContext();
    httpContextBase.Setup(x => x.Request.ServerVariables).Returns(new NameValueCollection

    If i make the WebsiteSettings property virtual - the test passes.

    But i can't understand why i need to do this. I'm not actually overriding the property, i'm simply mocking how it is setup.

    Am i missing something, or doing this wrong?

  • aqwert
    aqwert about 13 years
    Only way with Moq. Others such as TypeMock Isolator, Moles can intercept these methods/properties
  • MrBlueSky
    MrBlueSky over 11 years
    I'm interested in this answer but don't understand it! Giles, could you elaborate, perhaps using RPM1984's original example?
  • jjxtra
    jjxtra almost 4 years
    For .NET 5 ISystemClock