Why doesn't the command "ls | file" work?


Solution 1

The fundamental issue is that file expects file names as command-line arguments, not on stdin. When you write ls | file the output of ls is being passed as input to file. Not as arguments, as input.

What's the difference?

  • Command-line arguments are when you write flags and file names after a command, as in cmd arg1 arg2 arg3. In shell scripts these arguments are available as the variables $1, $2, $3, etc. In C you'd access them via the char **argv and int argc arguments to main().

  • Standard input, stdin, is a stream of data. Some programs like cat or wc read from stdin when they're not given any command-line arguments. In a shell script you can use read to get a single line of input. In C you can use scanf() or getchar(), among various options.

file does not normally read from stdin. It expects at least one file name to be passed as an argument. That's why it prints out usage when you write ls | file, because you didn't pass an argument.

You could use xargs to convert stdin into arguments, as in ls | xargs file. Still, as terdon mentions, parsing ls is a bad idea. The most direct way to do this is simply:

file *

Solution 2

Because, as you say, the input of file has to be filenames. The output of ls, however, is just text. That it happens to be a list of file names doesn't change the fact that it is simply text and not the location of files on the hard drive.

When you see output printed on the screen, what you see is text. Whether that text is a poem or a list of filenames makes no difference to the computer. All it knows is that it is text. This is why you can pass the output of ls to programs that take text as input (although you really, really shouldn't):

$ ls / | grep etc

So, to use the output of a command that lists file names as text (such as ls or find) as input for a command that takes filenames, you need to use some tricks. The typical tool for this is xargs:

$ ls
file1 file2

$ ls | xargs wc
 9  9 38 file1
 5  5 20 file2
14 14 58 total

As I said before, though, you really don't want to be parsing the output of ls. Something like find is better (the print0 prints a \0 instead of a newilne after each file name and the -0 of xargs lets it deal with such input; this is a trick to make your commands work with filenames containing newlines):

$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 wc
 9  9 38 ./file1
 5  5 20 ./file2
14 14 58 total

Which also has its own way of doing this, without needing xargs at all:

$ find . -type f -exec wc {} +
 9  9 38 ./file1
 5  5 20 ./file2
14 14 58 total

Finally, you can also use a shell loop. However, note that in most cases, xargs will be much faster and more efficient. For example:

$ for file in *; do wc "$file"; done
 9  9 38 file1
 5  5 20 file2

Solution 3

learned that '|' (pipeline) is meant to redirect the output from a command to the input of another one.

It doesn't "redirect" the output, but takes the output of a program and use it as input, while file doesn't take inputs but filenames as arguments, which are then tested. Redirections do not pass these filenames as arguments neither piping does, the later what you are doing.

What you can do is read the filenames from a file with the --files-from option if you have a file which list all files you want to test, otherwise just pass the paths to your files as arguments.

Solution 4

The accepted answer explains why the pipe command doesn't work straightaway, and with the file * command, it offers a simple, straightforward solution.

I'd like to suggest another alternative that might come in handy at some time. The trick is using the backtick (`) character. The backtick is explained in great detail here. In short, it takes the output of the command enclosed in the backticks and substitutes it as a string into the remaining command.

So, find `ls` will take the output of the ls command, and substitute it as arguments for the find command. This is longer and more complicated than the accepted solution, but variants of this may be helpful in other situations.

Solution 5

The output of ls through a pipe is a solid block of data with 0x0a separating each line - ie a linefeed character - and file gets this as one parameter, where it expects multiple characters to work on one at a time.

As a general rule, never use ls to generate a data source for other commands - one day it'll pipe .. into rm and then you're in trouble!

Better to use a loop, such as for i in *; do file "$i" ; done which will produce the output you want, predictably. The quotes are there in case of filenames with spaces.


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Love surfing, programming and chemistry! Mooring ships at the docks for a living!

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • IanC
    IanC almost 2 years

    I've been studying about the command line and learned that | (pipeline) is meant to redirect the output from a command to the input of another one. So why does the command ls | file doesn't work?

    file input is one of more filenames, like file filename1 filename2

    ls output is a list of directories and files on a folder, so I thought ls | file was supposed to show the file type of every file on a folder.

    When I use it however, the output is:

        Usage: file [-bcEhikLlNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type]
            [-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] file ...
        file -C [-m magicfiles]
        file [--help]

    As there was some error with the usage of the file command

    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      If you are using plain ls , it indicates that you want all files in the current directory handled with the file command. ... So why not simply do : file * , which will reply with a line for every file , folder.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      file * is the smartest way, I was just wondering why using ls output was not working. Doubt cleared :)
    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      The premise is flawed: "file input is one of more filenames, like file filename1 filename2" That isn't input. Those are command-line arguments, as @John Kugelman points out below.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      Tangentially, parsing ls is generally a bad idea.
    • Admin
      Admin about 2 years
      GNU coreutils added ls --zero (i.e., end each output line with NUL and not newline "\n")(as of 2022-06-11). This avoids issues with special characters (including spaces) in filenames. See ls source code
  • Mark Williams
    Mark Williams almost 8 years
    True - it works in this situation; but perhaps not universally as helpful!
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @IanC I really can't stress enough that parsing the output of ls is a very, very bad idea. Not only because you might pass it to something harmful such as rm, more importantly because it breaks on any non-standard file name.
  • steeldriver
    steeldriver almost 8 years
    A side-issue is that file doesn't appear to actually read stdin unless given an explicit - placeholder: compare file foo, echo foo | file, and echo foo | file -; in fact that's probably the reason for the usage message in the OPs case (i.e. it's not really because the output of ls is "simply text", but rather because the argument list to file is empty)
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @steeldriver yeah. AFAIK that's the case for all programs that expect files and not text as input. They just ignore stdin by default. Note that echo foo | file - doesn't actually run file on the file foo but on the stdin stream.
  • John Kugelman
    John Kugelman almost 8 years
    The first paragraph is somewhere between misleading and straight nonsense. Linefeeds have no relevance. The second paragraph is right for the wrong reason. It's bad to parse ls, but not because it might be somehow magically "piped" to rm.
  • spectras
    spectras almost 8 years
    Or force file to get filenames from its input, using ls | file -f -. Still a bad idea ofc.
  • Braiam
    Braiam almost 8 years
    @spectras that just tells file to read the filenames from the stdin.
  • spectras
    spectras almost 8 years
    @Braiam> That's the point. And that pipes ls's output into file's stdin. Try it out.
  • Braiam
    Braiam almost 8 years
    @spectras Sorry, I wasn't clear, it makes file to use stdin as source file for the filenames. But anyways it's illogical to call ls and pipe its output to file when file * would work.
  • steeldriver
    steeldriver almost 8 years
    Well there are odd ducks (?!) like cat that except stdin without - except when given file arguments as well I think?
  • spectras
    spectras almost 8 years
    @Braiam> Indeed it's wasteful and dangerous. But it works and it's nice to have it to compare to better options if the OP is learning to use redirections. For completeness I could also mention file $(ls), which also works, in yet another way.
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @steeldriver or like paste, yeah.
  • davidbak
    davidbak almost 8 years
    Does rm take filenames from standard input? I think not. Also, as a general rule, ls has been one of the principal examples of a data source for the use of Unix pipelines since the beginning of Unix. That's why it defaults to a simple one-filename-per-line with no attributes or adornments when it's output is a pipe, unlike its usual default formatting when the output is the terminal.
  • davidbak
    davidbak almost 8 years
    @terdon - is it really a very, very bad idea, or just an ordinary bad idea? It breaks on filenames with a linefeed in them. I don't have a Linux system handy at the moment, but how many such files are on the mounted filesystem on your desktop? Improperly programmed utility programs might not be able to handle filenames with embedded nulls but how many such files are on the mounted filesystem on your desktop?
  • zwol
    zwol almost 8 years
    This answer is misleading, it doesn't address the difference between standard input and command line arguments which is what's really wrong here.
  • zwol
    zwol almost 8 years
    This answer fails to explain the difference between stdin and command line arguments, and so, despite being more on point than the accepted answer, is still deeply misleading for the same reason.
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @zwol I figured that might be a little bit beyond the scope of what the OP was looking for here, considering that they're only starting out. A discussion of input streams, files, pointers etc would probably make this answer more complicated than informative.
  • zwol
    zwol almost 8 years
    @terdon I think that's a serious error in this case. "file(1) takes the list of files to operate on as command line arguments, not as standard input" is fundamental to understanding why the OP's command didn't work, and the distinction is fundamental to shell scripting in general; you are not doing them any favors by glossing over it.
  • IanC
    IanC almost 8 years
    I think after reading all the answers I have a bigger picture of the issue, even though I think I'll need further reading to really understand it all. First, apparently using piping and redirecting doesn't parse the output as arguments, but as STDIN. Which I still have to read further to understand better, but making a superficial search arguments seems like text being parsed to the program in an array, and STDIN like a way of pooling information for a file or an output (not all programs being designed to work with this "pooling")
  • IanC
    IanC almost 8 years
    Second, using ls to make a list of filenames seems like a bad idea, because of special characters that are accepted on filenames but can end up in a misleading output on ls. Since it uses newlines as a separator between filenames and filenames can contain newlines and other special characters, the final output might not be precise.
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @davidbak on my system, none. That doesn't mean you should ignore the possibility. Since anything except / and \0 is allowed in *nix file names, your programs should always be ready to deal with such cases. However, parsing ls can also fail on spaces (for example for i in $(ls); echo "$i"; done) and filenames with spaces are actually quite common. For more than you ever wanted to know about why it should be avoided see here and here.
  • Dewi Morgan
    Dewi Morgan almost 8 years
    @terdon - avoided in programs, yes. But in commands, typed on the commandline, it's fine, so long as you are confident in the contents of the subset of your own filesystem that you are working on.
  • John Kugelman
    John Kugelman almost 8 years
    When is it --? I've never seen that. -- is typically the "end of flags" indicator.
  • deamentiaemundi
    deamentiaemundi almost 8 years
    Yes, but I found it in a couple of instances (ab)used in that way by the programmer. I cannot remember where exactly (will add a comment if I do) but I remember the curses I uttered when I found it out and these curses were definitely NSFW ;-)
  • spectras
    spectras almost 8 years
    @terdon> please re-read my comment, it's not ls | file -, it's ls | file -f -. You forgot the -f flag.
  • terdon
    terdon almost 8 years
    @spectras so I did! Sorry about that, you're quite right.
  • IanC
    IanC almost 8 years
    I'm reading a book about using the command line on Linux (the doubt came from me experimenting with it), and coincidentaly I just readed about "command substitution". You can use either $(command) or command (can't find the backslash code on my phone) to expand the output of a command in the bash and use it as parameter to other commands. Really useful, even though using it in this case (with ls) would still result in some issues because of the special characters on some filenames.
  • ignis
    ignis almost 8 years
    @DewiMorgan It fails in many easy-to-encounter subtle cases, dash after space, touch 'a b' a b, question mark, you're not going to find a complete checklist.
  • ignis
    ignis almost 8 years
    @DewiMorgan This website is mainly targeted at a non-technical audience, so spreading/encouraging bad habits here does harm and does nothing good. On unix.SE or other tech community, whose users have the knowledge/means to aim very close to their feet without shooting the feet themselves, your point might hold (regarding other practices) but here it does not make your comment look smart.
  • ignis
    ignis almost 8 years
    @IanC Unfortunately, most books and tutorials out there about bash are garbage, tainted with bad practices, deprecated syntax, subtle bugs; (the only) trustworthy references out there are the bash developers, that is, the manual and the #bash IRC channel on freenode (also check out the resources linked in the channel topic).
  • Joe
    Joe almost 8 years
    Using command substitution can be really helpful at times, but in this context it's pretty perverse - especially with ls.
  • muru
    muru over 7 years
    The $() method is the same as the backtick method in askubuntu.com/a/795744/158442
  • matth
    matth over 7 years