Windows default size for console application


Solution 1

Instead of using the Properties menu item - Use the defaults menu item.

Solution 2

They're stored in the Registry:

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I give my time here because I get so much more in return. Useful things I've written that might help you: blinq: a modern typescript reimplementation of linq-to-objects over iterable objects BkTree: a c# implementation of a Burkhard-Keller tree for indexing data in metric spaces. ComparerBuilder: A small c# library for easily creating complex IComparer<T> instances that compare multiple properties. See this answer for a rationale. ts-comparer-builder: A typescript library for creating complex "compareFunctions" for use with Array.sort. Very similar to ComparerBuilder above. ts-bin-heap: A typescript binary-heap implementation. Very handy for priority queues, which in-turn are very useful for search algorithms such as A*. Things I've written for other people: pShare client (see also) for Duality solutions: A cross-platform, blockchain and WebRTC based file-sharing platform, written with TypeScript, React and Redux, using electronjs.

Updated on June 27, 2022


  • spender
    spender about 2 years

    While testing a console app, I set the properties of the console window to be only 3 lines high.

    This change has somehow stuck, meaning that new console windows default to 3 lines high. If I create a new shortcut on the desktop, and point it to cmd.exe, the window that opens is 3 lines high.

    Of course, I can alter this value using the properties panel, which ultimately results in "current window only"/"future windows with same title"/"shortcut that started this window" dialog to alter the stickiness of the setting. None of these choices results in the default being changed. If, subsequently, I make a new shortcut to cmd.exe, it's still 3 lines high.

    The principal problem is that for any new console app that I write, the first time I debug it, I must change the size setting, and when I run the release build, it's the same story.

    Does anyone know where the default settings for new (i.e. new title or from new shortcut) console app are stored/how to change them?

    [and, yes, I feel like a muppet for asking, but I can't find this info anywhere!]