Windows Events for Remote Desktop logon failure


You will get this logon type 3 when you are using NLA (Network Layer Authentication) as the authentication type since it will try and pre-authenticate you prior to giving you RDP access.

You can test this by changing the security layer to RDP Security Layer. Instructions and detailed information on how to do so are found here: Configure Server Authentication and Encryption Levels -- You should then find when typing an invalid username/password combination that it now logs it as logon type 10.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Eric
    Eric almost 2 years

    For the context: I made a chat service, on this chat service the only thing left, is getting the list of the 10 last contact with the first message. So when you click on a conversation, it open the chatbox.

    So i did this, but the result is not really what i expect. On this request below, i get my contact with the first message filtered, but i got a double message, for one same conversation.

    My request:

     SELECT * FROM (
       SELECT DISTINCT ON (sender, receiver) sender, receiver, message, created_at, is_read
       FROM Message
       WHERE sender = '${userId}' OR receiver = '${userId}'
       GROUP BY sender, receiver, message, created_at, is_read
       ORDER BY sender, receiver, created_at DESC
    ) as t
    ORDER BY created_at DESC

    And the result, as you can see below doesn't match what i'm looking for. You can see, the sender and the receiver have 2 messages, because my request check if value for sender is not duplicated and if for receiver the value is not duplicated. But since sender's ID and receiver's ID are not the same field but in the same object response. How could i solve that ?

    Here's the result:

            "sender": "47c86814-cbdc-4bf0-a993-95399f0d0f71",
            "receiver": "77edac08-b5d2-4ecb-a077-63363702674a",
            "message": "zd",
            "created_at": "2022-02-13T01:37:00.613Z",
            "is_read": true
            "sender": "77edac08-b5d2-4ecb-a077-63363702674a",
            "receiver": "47c86814-cbdc-4bf0-a993-95399f0d0f71",
            "message": "zd",
            "created_at": "2022-02-13T01:36:48.086Z",
            "is_read": true
            "sender": "7f3397c8-4f28-4fdd-8d79-83434b5b2ab7",
            "receiver": "47c86814-cbdc-4bf0-a993-95399f0d0f71",
            "message": "text3",
            "created_at": "2022-02-11T21:51:40.906Z",
            "is_read": false
            "sender": "4d6333cf-9d90-4430-91e7-8cb87ffb6253",
            "receiver": "47c86814-cbdc-4bf0-a993-95399f0d0f71",
            "message": "text2",
            "created_at": "2022-02-10T22:23:35.331Z",
            "is_read": false

    First and second object doesn't have sender'id and same receiver's id, but they both come from the same conversations. I think to maybe use CASE or FUNCTION but i don't know how yet, to compare sender'id and receiver's id . Thanks for the help in hope someone have an idea of how i can change my request.