Windows Server 2008 backup VHD's - is it possible to mount/open in Windows 7?


VHDs are simply virtual hard drives, as the name suggests. I can't see why it matters where or how they were created.

In fact, this link talks about why it should be working.

EDIT: Have a look at disk2vhd from SysInternals.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • cslacika
    cslacika almost 2 years

    I'm working on a proxy servlet that maps all requests. I specified web.xml in the following way:

        <description>Servlet to proxy all requests.</description>

    This way all the requests are handled by my proxy servlet, except /home and /admin/* that are reserved for the home page and the admin pages. This works nice!

    Now, I would like to use javascript and css files in my jsp pages. They are placed under resources folder, so those are at the right place.

    In servlet-context.xml the following is given:

    <resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

    The problem is that my servlet catches all the GET requests to static resources. The resources are found, and used, if I comment out the servlet mapping for ProxyServlet, of course the proxy servlet does not work in this case. On the other hand, if I don't reference the javascript file from jsp, the proxy servlet works (no request for static resource will happen). Help!

    • Spence
      Spence over 14 years
    • JB Nizet
      JB Nizet over 12 years
      I don't understand your problem. What would you like to do with the proxy servlet? What does it actually do?
    • cslacika
      cslacika over 12 years
      There are aliases that will be mapped to urls, the goal is to access these pages as it would run on localhost. Example: - alias 'google' is mapped to When I type localhost:8080/ProxyServlet/google, will see That is the goal. The proxy servlet processes the above request and reads the response and shows the result in the browser. Practically all requests should be handled by this proxy servlet (that we created), except for some reserved aliases, like home, or admin, that will be used for maintenance purposes.
    • JB Nizet
      JB Nizet over 12 years
      If your js and css files should be served by Spring's resources mechanism, the /resources path should be mapped to the Spring dispatcher servlet, shouldn't it? So, adding a mapping for /resources/* to the appServlet should fix everything.
    • cslacika
      cslacika over 12 years
      This was one of the things I tried. It seems to work, at least there is no errors on the console and the page loads. However, the javascript is not working, like the file is not found. I think the mapping in the servlet-context.xml should do the mapping, so I'm not sure it's needed to add it to web.xml too. Anywat, I tried, and it's not working. :(
    • cslacika
      cslacika over 12 years
      Okay, now I got No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/ProxyServlet/resources/scripts/js/validatorScripts.js] in DispatcherServlet with name 'appServlet' on the console...
    • JB Nizet
      JB Nizet over 12 years
      Please show the contents of the HTML page containing the link to the JavaScript file. Why is the URL beginning with /ProxyServlet/?
    • cslacika
      cslacika over 12 years
      First of all, thanks for the help! :) I have this in my admin.jsp: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="resources/scripts/js/validatorScripts.js"></script>. This is in the servlet-context.xml: <resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />. This is the url I type: http://localhost:8080/ProxyServlet/admin (ProxyServlet is the name of the app). This is on the console: ... No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/ProxyServlet/resources/scripts/js/validatorScripts.js] in DispatcherServlet with name 'appServlet'.
  • Simon Devlin
    Simon Devlin over 14 years
    Me neither - I think I'm experiencing the issue described here:…
  • cslacika
    cslacika over 12 years
    It's working!! I still don't understand the whole story, why Spring found js mappings when my proxy servlet was out from the picture, but anyway. The bottom is that this solved the problem! Thank you!
  • JB Nizet
    JB Nizet over 12 years
    I think Spring didn't found it. The default servlet found it, because the path of the JS is its actual path. You only need the spring resource mapping to defeat the proxy servlet "mapped to everything" mapping.
  • cslacika
    cslacika over 12 years
    Oh, I think I understood! Thanks again!! :)
  • HPWD
    HPWD about 4 years
    Can you expand on the diskpart? I wasn't aware it was possible to go from vhd to hdd. (yes I realize this is 11 years old).