Wrong resolution on start up (on POST screens)


Solution 1

It has nothing to do with your video card or video card BIOS, just your system BIOS and your monitor. You won't be able to change it unless your monitor allows custom scaling setting to be saved per video mode.

The main question is why do you care how it looks like for 3 seconds every time you boot up? How frequently do you reboot your system?

Solution 2

Some context may help you to understand this is likely not erratic behavior.

The original BIOS scanned the upper 384K area in the first 1MB of memory (and remember back then we are talking 256MB was considered a huge, expensive system) for "option ROMs" - if any were found during the BIOS initialization, the BIOS would temporarily hand control to the option ROM which could then do whatever initialization it needed.

I'm not sure when exactly graphics adapters started including a ROM in addition to the display hardware, but video ROM/video BIOS refers to this. (lspci -vvv will tell you the size and even address of the ROM but most if not all video BIOSes disable access after initialization.) Back when hard drive controllers were on an ISA card in the MFM/RLL days, it had a ROM that extended the BIOS to allow booting from it, as well as a low level format utility. Other types of cards that commonly have option ROMs were SCSI controller cards and RAID cards. Even if the hardware is onboard, it may still function as though it has an option ROM in this way.

So you are at the mercy of this option ROM and the BIOS, really.

Your BIOS probably doesn't support a picture at full maximum resolution to save space in the flash chip.

You are also likely at the mercy of any utilities your graphics card maker provides to update the video ROM, unfortunately.


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abdullah al Noman
Author by

abdullah al Noman

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • abdullah al Noman
    abdullah al Noman almost 2 years

    I'm submitting my data to controller using ajax function which return the result perfectly but the problem is ajax post the data multiple time while click event is fired. Note that, my function structure is in this order:

      $(document).on('click','.editapp', function() {
        // ................
        $(document).on('click','.JustClick', function(e){
          // .................
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $(document).on('click', '.editapp', function() {
        var app = $(this).attr('data-target');
        var appeal_id = $(app).find('input[name="appeal_id"]').val();
        var dataStr = 'appeal_id=' + appeal_id;
        $(document).on('click', '.JustClick', function(e) {
          e.preventDefault(); // default action us stopped here   
            url: "/swalReturn/" + appeals_id,
            type: 'POST',
            //dataType: 'application/json',
            data: dataStr,
            cache: false,
            success: function(data) {
                title: 'Prison History',
                type: 'info',
                html: data,
            error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
              swal("Error!", "Check your input,Please!", "error");

    Click event should fire once and ajax request should for that particular record only not with previous cached data (only clicked item)

    • Frank Thomas
      Frank Thomas over 11 years
      I do not believe this is possible. BIOS post screens are displayed with the monitor in VGA mode, and after the OS loads, switch into an SVGA mode. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Graphics_Array | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Video_Graphics_Array
    • Joseph
      Joseph almost 5 years
      Do you have click events on any parent elements? What does the HTML look like?
    • abdullah al Noman
      abdullah al Noman almost 5 years
      Yes I do. I am using modal to update records and using ajax post method for submitting value to the controller. On that modal, I have anchor tag with id and class="JustClick". Now I would like to fire this "JustClick" event after loading the modal and before submitting the form data to the controller via ajax request.
  • I say Reinstate Monica
    I say Reinstate Monica over 5 years
    Welcome to Super User. Without more specific instructions, it would be difficult to implement this answer. In fact, I'm unconvinced this is even possible. Please edit your answer to be more specific on how to do this, for example, identify a program that can change the scaling option and how to do that.
  • I say Reinstate Monica
    I say Reinstate Monica over 5 years
    Please do not respond the comments. Instead, edit the post with this information.
  • Hamed Hosseinian
    Hamed Hosseinian over 5 years
    and when the bios rom is opened in the edior try to find options such as "force adapter scaling or allow non native control panel"
  • abdullah al Noman
    abdullah al Noman almost 5 years
    How can I get value for app, appeal_id variable? since DOM are loaded only when I click on '.editapp' class. Here variables are loaded from bootstrap modal and this modal is in foreach loop.
  • madalinivascu
    madalinivascu almost 5 years
    app, appeal_id variables are global variables and should be accessible to the second click event
  • t.niese
    t.niese almost 5 years
    @madalinivascu app, appeal_id are not global variables in your code, you declare them using `var app, appeal_id, dataStr;' in an anonymous function, and as of that, they are in that scope and not in the global scope.
  • abdullah al Noman
    abdullah al Noman almost 5 years
    yes it is accessible to second click event but I need to have value on app, appeal_id before click on the second event ('.JustClick'). I'm not getting the value on global variable and value is only available after firing the first click event('.editapp').
  • madalinivascu
    madalinivascu almost 5 years
    can you provide your html
  • madalinivascu
    madalinivascu almost 5 years
    isn't .editapp the button that opens the modal? and .JustClick is a button in the modal?
  • abdullah al Noman
    abdullah al Noman almost 5 years
    Absolutely it is as you said.
  • madalinivascu
    madalinivascu almost 5 years
    so you will always have values for app, appeal_id when you click .JustClick