Xcode 7.1 Swift 2 Unknown class in Interface Builder file


Solution 1

In storyboard below the Custom Class field the module is set to None. Change that to your app module or just remove and enter class again, it should set to default like this:

Solution 2

For me the problem was that the class was not part of the Target Membership. Just add the class to the target, and you should see it back on the interface builder.

Target Membership

Solution 3

Still seeing this problem with XCode 8.2.1, but I am able to fix the problem by modify these in the storyboard xml file:

  1. Delete customModuleProvider="target" in the viewController tag:

    - <viewController ... customModule="Flights" customModuleProvider="target" sceneMemberID="viewController">
    + <viewController ... customModule="Flights" sceneMemberID="viewController">
  2. Delete customModule="Flights" customModuleProvider="target" in the widget tag (in my case, a label tag):

    - <label ... translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="PzF-6K-Hpi" customClass="YZLabel" customModule="Flights" customModuleProvider="target">
    + <label ... translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="PzF-6K-Hpi" customClass="YZLabel">

I find that step 1 is very important too to resolve the crash/warning and cannot be skipped.

Solution 4

I resolved a similar issue by adding '-ObjC' to 'Other linker flags' in the 'Build Settings' of my project.

Solution 5

i had a similar issue as well. I had a ViewController with a TableView in it, and the tableView's custom class was called 'ViewController'. I just deleted the custom class for the tableView and the error went away.

Alex Belke
Author by

Alex Belke

Updated on March 24, 2020


  • Alex Belke
    Alex Belke about 4 years

    I've created new Cocoa Touch File. Named it SwipingViewController. enter image description here

    Then try to add Custom Class to ViewController.

    And when I run the app I receive an error

    2015-10-09 10:53:25.054 ParseStarterProject[5369:389307] Unknown class SwipingViewController in Interface Builder file.

    Unknown class SwipingViewController in Interface Builder file

    Related: Xcode 6 Strange Bug: Unknown class in Interface Builder file

    Here is my projects files