xcode - failed to get reply to handshake packet


Solution 1

This might be a bit late for the op, but I found that my problem was caused by having my app running manually on the device. It seems that if you launch the app on the device then xcode can't connect to the process and the handshake error is reported.

Solution 2

I know it's a late answer, but in my case a simple Clean command solved the problem.

Solution 3

Cmd+Shift+K solved my issue.

This combination actually cleans the build folder. This way the next build will be fresh and will remove any issues in the previous build(s).

Solution 4

Restart of the device solved the problem for me

Author by


I am making games since 2006, I've worked on PC games initially. Now I work on mobile games.

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Sailendu
    Sailendu about 2 years

    When I make a build, the build is installed in the device but XCode is giving this error:

    "failed to get reply to handshake packet"

    and it won't launch the game, so I'm not able to see the console for debugging. The game runs fine if I manually start it in the device. I need the see the console for debugging.

    My XCode version is 5.1 iOS version in the device is 7.1 (iPod Touch 5th gen) Unity is 4.3.3

    I really appreciate any solution from you guys.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sailendu
    Sailendu over 10 years
    I just checked in the Scheme and it is using Debug configuration. It was working well before updating the iOS (7.0) version and XCode.
  • bluevoid
    bluevoid over 10 years
    It's not just lack of symbols. Release builds set the entitlement get-task-allow to false so the debugger can't connect. The error message is not exactly the same, but it's not crazy either.
  • Sailendu
    Sailendu over 10 years
    I just did the "Reset All Settings" thing in the settings of the device and it's working now. It seems like the problem was with the device. Thanks to everyone for the answers.
  • vir us
    vir us over 9 years
    In my case it also helped. When I removed the app from recent (double 'Home' -> swipe up) Xcode was finaly able to proceed
  • KPM
    KPM over 9 years
    I can't see how this is not an answer to the question. It seems to me like a perfectly acceptable answer. Please make sure you really do understand an answer before flagging it as not-an-answer. If you don't know the Xcode IDE (which your profile seems to suggest), then please assume you do not understand the answer.
  • KPM
    KPM over 9 years
    @trojanfoe: This is a perfectly acceptable answer, not a comment.
  • trojanfoe
    trojanfoe over 9 years
    @KPM Agreed; comment deleted.
  • Dev-iL
    Dev-iL almost 6 years
    Could you perhaps elaborate a little what this key combination does and why exactly it solves the problem? Perhaps add a link to the appropriate documentation?
  • WestCoastProjects
    WestCoastProjects about 4 years
    I think it cleans the output/build folder. This fixed the issue for me as well. Always nice to have a shortcut instead of needing to do serial clicking on random icons on the gui