YouCompleteMe vim extension: How to jump to next error?


If you let g:ycm_always_populate_location_list = 1, YouCompleteMe will populate vims location list with new diagnostic data. You can jump through the entries in that list with :lnext and :lprevious. You can read more about the location list in the documentation of the quickfix feature (:h location-list or use the online version).


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Luis Alvarado
Author by

Luis Alvarado

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado over 1 year

    I have an XML file that looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "">
    <article lang="">
      <informaltable frame="all">
        <tgroup cols="2.4"><tbody><row><entry namest="c1" nameend="c3"><para>Informe No. 08- 1696 </para></entry><entry namest="c4" nameend="c5"><para>Pagina 1 de 1</para></entry></row><row><entry namest="c1" nameend="c3"><para>Apellidos:   COLINA</para></entry><entry namest="c4" nameend="c5"><para>Nombres:   GELA</para></entry></row><row><entry><para>Edad: 50a</para></entry><entry><para>Sexo:  F</para></entry><entry><para>Historia No.: </para></entry><entry><para>Entrada: 15-01-2008</para></entry><entry><para>Salida: 17-01-2008</para></entry></row><row><entry namest="c1" nameend="c3"><para>Remitente:    Dr. Mano Paz</para></entry><entry namest="c4" nameend="c5"><para>Institución: Torre Sur</para></entry></row><row><entry namest="c1" nameend="c5"><para>Origen y Naturaleza del Material:    Orina (muestra A, B y C )</para></entry></row></tbody></tgroup>
      <para>INFORME CITOLOGICO</para>
      <para>A.- MACROSCOPICO:   Se recibe envase conteniendo 15 cc de orina, el cual se centrifuga, se extiende en láminas portaobjetos y se colorea para evaluación microscópica.</para>
      <para>        RESULTADO:  FROTIS CITOLOGICO NEGATIVO.        </para>
      <para>B.- MACROSCOPICO:   Se recibe envase conteniendo 14 cc de orina, el cual se centrifuga, se extiende en láminas portaobjetos y se colorea para evaluación microscópica.</para>
      <para>        RESULTADO:  FROTIS CITOLOGICO NEGATIVO.        </para>
      <para>C.- MACROSCOPICO:   Se recibe envase conteniendo 13 cc de orina, el cual se centrifuga, se extiende en láminas portaobjetos y se colorea para evaluación microscópica.</para>
      <para>        RESULTADO:  FROTIS CITOLOGICO NEGATIVO.        </para>
      <para>                                                </para>

    I need to import the <para> tags that have information in them using either MYSQL LOAD or MYSQL XML and put the content of each <para> in a column SO that for each XML file I import I get 1 row. The end result would look something like this:

    Column1 - - - Column2 - - - Column3 - - - Column4
    1st Para - - -2nd Para - -  3rd Para - -  4th Para

    And so on for all <para> tags. Right now the default behavior if I try to import this file, each <para> content will go in a row instead of a column, creating for example 20 rows for the same file (Each information in a row) instead of importing every field on the same row but on different columns. How can I set this up so that they go in each column instead of rows.

    Here is how it looks right now:

    enter image description here

    What I want is for each file to be in a column, instead of a row as shown in the image. Know that this will be done to about 50.000+ files so each XML file should be a row and it's fields a column, instead of each field of that XML becoming a row. Basically, all fields should go in a column and only take one row so that 1 row = 1 XML file.

  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    Do all of them have the same <para> (Edad, Sexo, etc)?
  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    Why don't you import one file at a time and execute my code to have each file categorized? Sorry, but I can't see the problem of using it for multiple files nor the advantage of doing it the way you say.
  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    BTW, if you already plan to have a temp table with that data, please post its format in your question so that we can help you using it as a starting point.
  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    I understand that table as what you where looking for, rather than a starting point you already had. I'm actually asking for the table with all the imported <para> in different rows (the one you talk about in Right now if I try to import this file, each <para> content will go in a row instead of a column.) That table you don't like is the starting point of my example.
  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    Sorry, but why can't you execute my code after loading each file? I imagine the load of the files will be iterative by code (not one by one). I just can't see why can't you execute in each iteration my code. The case is that once you have the big table you are asking for, the next step will be something similar to my solution, so why don't you skip a step?
  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado almost 11 years
    Please update your code so it is compatible with the table as shown in the image. The table name is "para" and each column is named para followed by a number.
  • Alejandro Colorado
    Alejandro Colorado almost 11 years
    Why did you delete all your comments?
  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado almost 11 years
    Save up space. Comments should not be carried out for so long.
  • Megan McPherson
    Megan McPherson about 8 years
    (also, for others, :ln and :lp for short!) :D
  • Emile Vrijdags
    Emile Vrijdags over 7 years
    :ln is not mapped afaik, it should be :lne.
  • badbishop
    badbishop about 4 years
    Sorry, my bad. The issue was actually that :lnext wouldn't move cursor if there's a single error, but with :ll it works.