ActionMailer not sending mail in development Rails 4


Solution 1

You should add

config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true

as by default this is on false, preventing mails to be sent from your development environment...

Solution 2

For anyone not using smtp, switching the delivery method to sendmail helped me in addition to explicitly setting deliveries to be performed:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail

Solution 3

If you're having issues sending email from console, you have to call the deliver method on your mail.


Solution 4

All of these answers are great, but there is another place where you can get burned, especially in the context of debugging.

In development.rb make sure you set config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true

If your .deliver method seems to be working without issue, but you never actually receive the email across the wire, your delivery method may be throwing an exception and rails is swallowing the error. This is very true if you simply have something as simple as a misconfigured credentials, or an aws access denied API error. Save ripping your hair out and make sure you have raise_delivery_errors turned on. It wants to tell you something but can't.


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Don P
Author by

Don P

@ Facebook currently

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Don P
    Don P almost 2 years

    Why is this mailer not sending any mail? (Or any ideas for debugging?)

    In my_app/config/environments/development.rb I have this code:

      config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
      config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
        address:              '',
        port:                 587,
        domain:               '',
        user_name:            ENV['GMAIL_USERNAME'],
        password:             ENV['GMAIL_PASSWORD'],
        authentication:       'plain',
        enable_starttls_auto: true  }

    Then on my local computer in ~/.bash_profile I have this code:

    export GMAIL_USERNAME=''
    export GMAIL_PASSWORD='***'

    When I run $ env in my terminal, I see that both environment variables are correctly set.

    I have also restarted my rails server.

    • jb_314
      jb_314 over 10 years
      Does it work as expected in :test or :file delivery mode? That would isolate the problem to your smtp settings.
    • Danny
      Danny over 10 years
      Maybe a stupid question: did you change config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true, as by default this is on false, preventing mails to be sent from your development environment...
    • Don P
      Don P over 10 years
      Not stupid at all @DannyVanHoof cause that was it! Thank you.
  • Jerome
    Jerome over 8 years
    sendmail is quicker to configure on many servers. Particularly useful for development mode.
  • dtc
    dtc almost 7 years
    that statement doesn't make sense to me. you can make that call in the console.
  • Michael Brawn
    Michael Brawn over 6 years
    Simply calling your method does not actually deliver mail while in rails console. You need to call the deliver method on the mail object that your Mailer method returns.
  • dtc
    dtc over 6 years
    my mistake, i didnt know there was a create_email method but in the latest rails (and for a while now, i assumed), MyMailer.deliver should be enough. and you can do that either in console or the application
  • Dog
    Dog over 6 years
    i just wanted to add that for me in Rails 5, switching to :sendmail was the only thing that would work
  • Ryan Romanchuk
    Ryan Romanchuk over 5 years
    I recommend turning on config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true so delivery issues aren't being swallowed.