Android Retrofit 2 Simple XML Converter


Solution 1

Try with strict = false :

@Root(name = "rss", strict = false)
public class ArticleResponse {

    @Element(name = "channel")
    public Channel channel;

    public class Channel {

        public List<Article> articles;

Solution 2

The reason you're seeing this is because you're missing the annotation for the "default" attribute in your XML document.

SimpleXML's default behavior is to set (strict = true), which means that you need to annotate ALL elements and attributes in your document, or it will throw the runtime exception you're seeing.

So, for the sample XML below:

<response xmlns:xsd="" 
    xmlns:xsi="" version="1.2">

You would either need to use the (strict = false) flag to ignore the "version" attribute:

@Root(strict = false)
public class Response {
    @Element(name = "sample_string")
    private String sampleString;

    @Element(name = "sample_integer")
    private Integer sampleInteger;

    public String getSampleString() {
        return sampleString;

    public Integer getSampleInteger() {
        return sampleInteger;

OR, annotate the "version" attribute in your class:

public class Response {
    @Attribute(name = "version")
    private String version;

    @Element(name = "sample_string")
    private String sampleString;

    @Element(name = "sample_integer")
    private Integer sampleInteger;

    public String getVersion() {
        return version;

    public String getSampleString() {
        return sampleString;

    public Integer getSampleInteger() {
        return sampleInteger;
Author by


I'm an Android Developer.

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • okarakose
    okarakose almost 2 years

    I am using Retrofit 2.1.0 and Retrofit SimpleXML Converter 2.1.0. I added simplexmlconverter to retrofit instance with addConverterFactory method.

    XML is below

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:media="" version="2.0">
             <enclosure url="text" length="2043520" type="image/jpeg" />
             <guid isPermaLink="false">text</guid>
             <pubDate>Fri, 17 Jun 2016 11:43 EDT</pubDate>
             <source url="text">text</source>
             <enclosure url="text" length="1735257" type="image/jpeg" />
             <guid isPermaLink="false">text</guid>
             <pubDate>Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:17 EDT</pubDate>
             <source url="text"></source>
             <enclosure url="text" length="3763157" type="image/jpeg" />
             <guid isPermaLink="false">text</guid>
             <pubDate>Wed, 15 Jun 2016 10:02 EDT</pubDate>
             <source url="text">text</source>

    My retrofit api client relevant code : RetrofitAPIClient

    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    apiService = retrofit.create(MyService.class);

    import org.simpleframework.xml.Element;
    import org.simpleframework.xml.ElementList;
    import org.simpleframework.xml.Root;
    import java.util.List;
    @Root(name = "rss")
    public class ArticleResponse {
        @Element(name = "channel")
        public Channel channel;
        public class Channel {
            public List<Article> articles;

    import org.simpleframework.xml.Attribute;
    import org.simpleframework.xml.Element;
    import org.simpleframework.xml.Text;
    @Element(name = "item")
    public class Article {
        @Element(name = "title")
        private String title;
        @Element(name = "link")
        private String link;
        @Element(name = "description")
        private String description;
        @Element(name = "enclosure")
        private Enclosure enclosure;
        @Element(name = "guid")
        private String guid;
        @Element(name = "pubDate")
        private String pubDate;
        @Element(name = "source")
        private Source source;
        public class Enclosure {
            @Attribute(name = "url")
            private String url;
            @Attribute(name = "length")
            private long length;
            @Attribute(name = "type")
            private String type;
        public class Source {
            @Attribute(name = "url")
            private String url;
            private String text;

    Error is :

    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.simpleframework.xml.core.AttributeException: Attribute 'version' does not have a match in class [my-package].webservice.response.ArticleResponse at line 1
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.converter.simplexml.SimpleXmlResponseBodyConverter.convert(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.converter.simplexml.SimpleXmlResponseBodyConverter.convert(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.ServiceMethod.toResponse(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.parseResponse(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.OkHttpCall$1.onResponse(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at okhttp3.RealCall$AsyncCall.execute(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.894 W/System.err: Caused by: org.simpleframework.xml.core.AttributeException: Attribute 'version' does not have a match in class [my-package].webservice.response.ArticleResponse at line 1
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at org.simpleframework.xml.core.Composite.readAttribute(
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at org.simpleframework.xml.core.Composite.readAttributes(
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at org.simpleframework.xml.core.Composite.access$300(
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at org.simpleframework.xml.core.Composite$
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:     at retrofit2.converter.simplexml.SimpleXmlResponseBodyConverter.convert(
    06-18 20:31:22.895 W/System.err:    ... 9 more