How to send Hashmap with value with Retrofit


HashMap with retrofit:

    Call<ResponseBody> RegisterUser(@FieldMap Map<String, String> params);

 Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();

        params.put("userName", edt_uname.getText().toString());
        params.put("userEmail", edt_email.getText().toString());

ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getLogin().create(ApiInterface.class);

public class ApiClient {
    private static Retrofit retrofit = null;
    public static Retrofit getLogin() {

        if (retrofit==null) {
            retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

        return retrofit;
Author by


I'm an Android Developer professionally for about 4 years, well I started 8 years ago. Check my Linkedin or my webpage if you want to know more about me:

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 2 years

    I'm trying to send to API through POST an HashMap and an API KEY but I can't, because I need to send it like I do a @Field("something"). So what i want is @FieldMap("meta")

    Example how i use Field:

    Call<CallBackMethod> save(@Query("apikey") String api_key,
                              @Field("something") String test);

    How I currently use FieldMap, but the field map doesn't get send because the API is expecting an Array with a name "meta", so I get an error response from server Metadata does not exist in POST. THE API WORKS. But I need to send it an Array with keys and values, that is a Hashmap in Java.

    I'm calling this API something like this:

      Map<String, String> meta = new HashMap<>();
            meta.put("user_id", user_id);
            final Api apiService = ApiClient.getAPI().create(Api.class);
            Call<OtherMethod> call = apiService.getOtherMethod(API_KEY, meta);
      call.enqueue(new Callback<OtherMethod>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<OtherMethod> call, Response<OtherMethod> response) {
                Log.d("Response Raw", response.raw() + "");
                Log.d("Response Raw", response.isSuccessful() + "");
            public void onFailure(Call<OtherMethod> call, Throwable t) {
                Log.e("E: t.toString());

    Other class where the methods are:

            Call<OtherMethod> getOtherMethod(@Query("apikey") String api_key,
                                                  @FieldMap Map<String, String> meta);

    EDIT 1:

    After some messing around, I managed to get meta to be accepted, but now i have problems with encoding. Current API:

        Call<CallBackMethod> getSomething(@Query("apikey") String api_key,
                                      @FieldMap HashMap<String,HashMap<String,String>> meta);

    This is what it sends:

    D/OkHttp: meta=%7Buser_id%3D431%7D

    I tried with encoding=true and false both the same result. This is what it should send

    meta={user_id=431} Does anybody have any idea how to disable encoding?

    EDIT 2: I changed the API so i send the @BODY and then json and it works. If anyone has solution for top problem i'll give credit too you.

  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 8 years
    This is with Volley and is not answering the question.
  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 8 years
    What if i have to give an Api key with the fieldmap?
  • ViramP
    ViramP almost 8 years
    params.put("apikey", yourkey);
  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 8 years
    Doesn't work because there has to be something like this, because if not i get an error that apikey isn't set: (@Query("apikey") String api_key, @FieldMap Map<String, String> meta);
  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 8 years
    Yeah, but the project is pretty big, I can only send you the pieces of code if that is okey? I can send you the php code of api.
  • WinterChilly
    WinterChilly almost 8 years