Angular2 Wait DOM element to load


The answer of @Andrei works, but in my opinion there's a better and more elegant solution.

Just use a combination of @ViewChild() and setters.

For example:

// component.html

<ng-el ... #myElement>

// component.ts

@ViewChild('myElement') set(el) {
  if (el) {
    console.log('element loaded!');
Author by


Updated on November 30, 2022


  • Yhlas
    Yhlas over 1 year

    I have Component which has a member array variable. This array is bind to DOM with *ngFor. When I add new variable to array my view changes accordingly. Array holds tab names and initially it is set to have only 1 tab. When I refresh page array reinitialized which is what I was expecting. But when I logout and then log back in(router navigation) I see all previous tabs. It is weird to me, because if I console.log(myTabs) array has only 1 element(homeTab).



    <div style="display: table-caption" id="notify-tabs">
        <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist" id="nav-bar">
            <li role="presentation" data-toggle="tab" id="homeTab" []="activeTab==='homeTab'"><a (click)="setValues('home')">Home</a>
            <li role="presentation" *ngFor="let tab of myTabs" data-toggle="tab" id={{tab}} []="activeTab===tab.toString()"><a (click)="setValues(tab)">{{tab}}</a>



        selector: 'notify-homepage',
            templateUrl: 'app/home/home.component.html',
            styleUrls: ['styles/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'styles/home.css'],
            directives: [DynamicComponent, TileComponent, MapComponent, HeaderComponent, ConversationComponent, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]
    export class HomeComponent{
        public myTabs: number[] = [21442];
        public activeTab: string = 'homeTab';
        ngOnInit() {
        //Assume fully operating MapService here
        this.subscription = this.mapService.conversationId.subscribe(
            (id: number) => {
                this.activeTab = id.toString();               
        ngOnDestroy() {


    export class MapService {
        private conversationIdSource = new ReplaySubject<number>();
        public conversationId = this.conversationIdSource.asObservable();
         showConversation(id: number) {
  • Yhlas
    Yhlas over 7 years
    I am currently using BehaviourSubject from Rxjs for change detection. My problem is that I have to wait until this change will show up on the view and then act upon it.
  • Andrei Zhytkevich
    Andrei Zhytkevich over 7 years
    please add code of your service because it's not clear what this.mapService.conversationId is. Also, it seems to me that router handling does something wrong.