Angularjs wait until


Solution 1

You can use $watch for this purpose, something like this:

 $scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.load', function(){

       $scope.$watch( "bounds" , function(n,o){  

           if(n==o) return;

           Dajaxice.async.hello($scope.populate, {
               'west' : $scope.bounds.southWest.lng,
               'east': $scope.bounds.northEast.lng,
               'north' : $,
               'south': $,                


Solution 2

If you want to do this every time the bounds change, you should just use a $watch expression:

$scope.$watch('bounds',function(newBounds) {

If you only want to do it the first time the bounds are set, you should stop watching after you've done your thing:

var stopWatching = $scope.$watch('bounds',function(newBounds) {
  if(newBounds.southWest) {

You can see it in action here:

Author by


Autodidact programmer by passion. Among others I work with: Kotlin, RxJava, Android Currently working at car2go.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Diolor
    Diolor about 2 years

    I have:

    $scope.bounds = {}

    And later in my code:

    $scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMap.load', function(){
        Dajaxice.async.hello($scope.populate, {
                    'west' : $scope.bounds.southWest.lng,
                    'east': $scope.bounds.northEast.lng,
                    'north' : $,
                    'south': $,

    The bounds as you can see at the begging they are empty but they are loaded later (some milliseconds) with a javascript library (leaflet angular). However the $scope.$on(...) runs before the bounds have been set so the 'west' : $scope.bounds.southWest.lng, returns an error with an undefined variable.

    What I want to do is to wait the bounds (southWest and northEast) to have been set and then run the Dajaxice.async.hello(...).

    So I need something like "wait until bounds are set".

  • Diolor
    Diolor over 10 years
    No clue how, but i works. I know what the basic $watch does but what does the if(n==o) return; and the true do at the end?
  • Ivan Chernykh
    Ivan Chernykh over 10 years
    @Diolor function(n,o) gets old and new value of bounds , and if they are equal it does nothing and simply returns. true means: Compare object for equality rather than for reference.