Apache/Tomcat returning Error 503


If Apache is coming back with a 503 error it means that it can't establish a connection to the backend server. In your case, via mod_jk and the tomcat connector. Both Tomcat and Apache need to be configured properly to communicate. Ensure that your tomcat listeners are set up properly (AJP in most cases) and that your worker configuration refers to that same AJP listener. Finally make sure to properly refer to the right worker in your httpd.conf, .htaccess or vhost file.

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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Setup includes: Windows 7 Apache 2.2 Tomcat 5.5 mod_jk-1.2.30-httpd-2.2.3

    After performing the appropriate installs, I can get to the Apache default page, and I can access the Tomcat on localhost as well. But when I try to access jsp-examples via Apache, I'm getting the following error 503:

    "Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

    I checked apache and tomcat logs, but they do not report any exceptions there, would appreciate if anyone can point how can I find what is the problem.