Black screen ubuntu with 1234F:?



  1. The boot process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When the MBR is first loaded it waits for a configurable length of time (1 second by default), monitoring the keyboard, for key presses. If the MBR detects a key press, it will interrupt the boot process, and display it's prompt. Otherwise, it will load the first sector of the default partition, and execute it. If a disk error occours, the MBR will display it's prompt.

4.1 The boot prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The boot prompt looks something like this:


This is the list of valid keys which may be pressed. This means that partitions 1, and 4 can be booted, also the first floppy drive (F). The 'A' means that 'advanced' mode may be entered, in which any partition may be booted. The prompt for this mode looks like this:


The only other valid key which may be pressed is RETURN, which continues booting with the default partition.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Austin
    Austin almost 2 years

    Ubuntu was up and running, my computer apparently got unplugged last night and died. I plugged it in and turned it on. My screen is all black with 1234F:.

    When I type a letter, number, or press enter it just make another line saying 1234F: I can't do anything with it.

    • Jo-Erlend Schinstad
      Jo-Erlend Schinstad over 10 years
      Maybe you add some more information about your setup? If you didn't do anything special and everything was working properly before this, I'd check the disk. You can do that by booting Ubuntu from a memory stick, for instance.
    • Austin
      Austin over 10 years
      Ok so I finially fixed my computer yesterday, because it wouldn't work into I got help on openin desktop. So I was working on recovering partitions, and I was gonna just get the windows 7 ISO today and get my data back later, I put the disk bak in to erase data ( I haven't done anything with disk yet ) but, my comuter didn't turn on after I presse the power buttons so I saw it was unplugged an I plugge it in and pressed power button again, it opened up on th 1234F: thing
    • Rinzwind
      Rinzwind over 10 years
      If my answer is not sufficient or you got q's PM me or visit the AU chat room.
    • Jo-Erlend Schinstad
      Jo-Erlend Schinstad over 10 years
      @Austin: he means "further questions" :)
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    Like I won't need to install everything? Widow 7 will automatically get loaded?
  • Rinzwind
    Rinzwind over 10 years
    Yes. After mbr is fixed (if it fixes ;)) all the other things will fall back in line. I am going to start removing comments ;)
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    Ok. Thanks! :):) and will it repair files.. Because during Ubuntu setup it wiped my entire drive deleting EVERYTHING
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    (Files such as downloads and applications)
  • Rinzwind
    Rinzwind over 10 years
    No it will not. This will just fix the mbr(so the 1st few bits that hold the basic information). If the files are there they come back;if you wiped them during an install they are gone).
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    May I bring up a subject, or ask it In a new question?
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    Can I burn the Mrbr repair tool on a USB?
  • Austin
    Austin over 10 years
    Hey, I tried to do as u instructed, Ubuntu desktop won't open. Only to the login part... And also I did everything in grub portion but when I run it it boot-loader it says it can't