Bootstrap 3 typeahead.js - remote url attributes


Solution 1

remote is exclusively for typeahead.js (not part of Bootstrap). But you are not using the remote correctly, it can be either a string or an object, not a function.

When you need to change the request URL, you can use replace:

    remote: {
        url: '/typeahead/get_league?query=%QUERY',
        replace: function () {
            var q = '/typeahead/get_league?query=%QUERY';
            if ($('#sport').val()) {
                q += "&sport=" + encodeURIComponent($('#sport').val());
            return base_url + q;
    limit: 10

Check the docs here

Hope it helps.

Solution 2

Hieu Nguyen solution will not work for %QUERY wildcards. According to Bloodhound.js documentation,

replace – .... If set, no wildcard substitution will be performed on url.

Bloodhound docs on github

So %QUERY will be passed as string without being replaced by text entered from user.

So you should put typeahead value into your url :

remote: {
    url: '/typeahead/get_league?query=%QUERY',
    replace: function () {
        var q = '/typeahead/get_league?query=' + $('#league').val();
        if ($('#sport').val()) {
            q += "&sport=" + encodeURIComponent($('#sport').val());
        return base_url + q;
limit: 10


Solution 3

Here is a complete example with the QUERY result as well passed. Note that when the remote method is used variable substitution no longer functions. Thanks to hieu-nguyen for the majority of it!

    name: "cities",
    remote: {
        url: current_web_root + '?action=ajax|getcities&query=%QUERY',
        replace: function () {
            var q = current_web_root + '?action=ajax|getcities&query=' + jQuery('#city').val();
            if (jQuery('#state').val()) {
                q += "&state=" + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('#state').val());
            return q;
    cache: false

jQuery("#state").change(function (e) {
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • koxon
    koxon almost 2 years

    I'm trying to call my remote url with added attributes to the url.

    For now I have this working:

            remote: '/typeahead/get_league?query=%QUERY',
            limit: 10

    Now I would like to do something like this:

            remote: function () {
                var q = '/typeahead/get_league?query=%QUERY';
                if ($('#sport').val())
                    q += "&sport=" + encodeURIComponent($('#sport').val());
                return base_url + q;
            limit: 10

    I would like to add the GET attribute 'sport' to the URL so I can narrow down my query on the backend. I tried the code above but I get a JS error.

    The previous version of Bootstrap Typeahead allowed this type of setup. It was very useful as I could update the remote URL every time a key get hit.

    Any idea how to make that work for this version ?

  • koxon
    koxon over 10 years
    I am using typeahead.js. My problem comes from the fact that I can't use a function. Because I need to set my URL at the init, the #sport is not yet containing any value. That is why I would like to set it every time I hit a key and not ahead of time ... I was able to do that using bootstrap 2.0 typeahead, now with typeahead.js I can't ... that's a big drawback. Any idea how I can work around that ?
  • fredtantini
    fredtantini over 9 years
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  • aKiRa
    aKiRa over 9 years
    @fredtantini: I cannot add comment, so I have had to make a post. Surely you can close response on a "formalism" bases, but please next time take your time to understand the post and eventually report it's content as comment, because sometimes consideration from new users like me can save a lot of time to those who read the response marked as accepted.