Broadcom Wifi card (PCI-ID:14e4:43a0) not recognized on dual boot OSX/Kali


According to WikiDevi, the only Linux driver for this new chipset is Broadcom's original driver, wl, which you can download from Broadcom's website, from Alberto Milone's PPA repository, or from Arch Linux's AUR package site. All of them require linux headers and build essential, and the package from Arch Linux some extra control on missing dependencies.

Otherwise, installation is standard.

As for the driver you already have, you may check whether it is indeed suitable to your wifi card:

  modinfo wl | grep 14E4 | grep 43A0

(an empty output means it is not), whether it is mounted,

  sudo rmmod wl
  sudo modprobe wl

and, once it is mounted, what it is complaining about,

  dmesg | grep wlan0

These instructions also hold for the newer version, should you have any problem.

Author by


PhD student in Biophysics at the University of Cambridge. Interested in cell biology, statistical physics, and automated data analysis.

Updated on September 18, 2022
