capistrano deploy from one local directory to another


Solution 1

The localhost issue is because you're setting this in the role definitions. Since you're doing all this locally, and since Capistrano requires a role, you can set the following:

role :app, ""

I also think you're setting the copy_dir and copy_remote_dir values incorrectly. I'd recommend removing these and letting Capistrano use it's defaults.

Here's a full config which should work for you:

role :app, ""

set :use_sudo, false
set :application, 'thesis'     # you'll need to specify an app name
set :repository, "."
set :scm, :none
set :deploy_to, "/home/thesis/deploy/"   # the destination dir
set :deploy_via, :copy

# override deploy:restart since this isn't a Rails app
namespace :deploy do
  task :restart do
    # no-op

Solution 2

Maybe you're missing a SSH server to connect on your on machine because you only have the client installed.

Test ssh, if you still get a connection refuse error, use:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

To install the ssh server.

Solution 3

I also get this problem, for I had set SSH port to 13000, not the default port 22. And the /etc/hosts.deny added


/etc/hosts.allow added

sshd:#some allowed IPs

I processing are:

1) add to deploy.rb

ssh_options[:port] = 13600

2) add localhost to hosts.allow

sshed: localhost # others allowed IPs

Solution 4

You need to have an ssh server installed for local deployment to work, such as openssh (sudo apt-get install openssh-server to install)


set :stage, :staging

role :app, %w{}
role :web, %w{}
role :db,  %w{}

server '', user: 'your-username', roles: %w{web app}
set :branch, "staging"


set :deploy_to ,'/home/your/app/path/deploy'
# Path of tests to be run, use array with empty string to run all tests
set :tests, ['']

namespace :deploy do
  desc "Runs test before deploying, can't deploy unless they pass"
  task :run_tests do
    test_log = "log/capistrano.test.log"
    tests = fetch(:tests)
    tests.each do |test|
      puts "--> Running tests: '#{test}', please wait ..."
      unless system "bundle exec rspec #{test} > #{test_log} 2>&1"
        puts "--> Aborting deployment! One or more tests in '#{test}' failed. Results in: #{test_log}"
      puts "--> '#{test}' passed"
    puts "--> All tests passed, continuing deployment"
    system "rm #{test_log}"

  # Only allow a deploy with passing tests to be deployed
  before :deploy, "deploy:run_tests"

Run it with with

cap staging deploy
Author by


Updated on July 10, 2022


  • thesis
    thesis almost 2 years

    I want to deploy application on my local machine. For example I have my Rails APP in: /home/thesis/dev/myapp but I want to cap deploy:setup to /home/thesis/deploy/. I have tried that but capistrano tries to connect to localhost, but it is not needed at all. How can I solve it?

    Here goes my deploy.rb

    role :app, "localhost"
    role :web, "localhost"
    role :db,  "localhost", :primary => true
    set(:deploy_to) { "/home/thesis/dev/myapp" }
    set :bundle_without,  [:development, :test]
    set :use_sudo, false
    set :repository, "."
    set :scm, :none
    set :deploy_via, :copy
    set :copy_dir, "/home/thesis/deploy/tmp"
    set :copy_remote_dir, "/home/thesis/deploy/tmp"

    It drops with:

    connection failed for: localhost (Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2))