Change the "device name" in the details window of System settings


Solution 1

Execute the following command using a terminal:

sudo sed -i 's/present-host-name/new-host-name/' /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i 's/present-host-name/new-host-name/' /etc/hostname

You can check your present-host-name by cat /etc/hostname or hostname.

Then reboot the computer, to see the changes.

Solution 2

  • Open a terminal and issue the command

    gksu gedit /etc/hosts
  • Then change the line   victor-System-Product-Name

    with    your-desired-name
  • Then also open the file /etc/hostname with command gksu gedit /etc/hostname and change the hostname there to reflect the new name.

  • Then reboot the computer, to see the changes

Solution 3

You can use the built in service hostnamectl

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [NEW-HOSTNAME]

replacing [NEW-HOSTNAME] with the hostname you would like this should work immediately on most things but I would reboot for good measure.

Solution 4

Since there are plenty of ways to get something done here is one more:

While in your root directory:

cd /etc
sudo vi hostname  

Type in your admin password, press Enter.

Press i to 'insert' and change existing device name to the desired device name.

Press Esc and type :wq!, press Enter.

Restart the system for the change to take affect.


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Victor S
Author by

Victor S

Contract software developer working for start-ups and small business. Ruby, PHP, JavaScript/NodeJS. Operating from Toronto, love to work on remote teams. Give me a shout if you need technical advice or some extra hands on deck!

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Victor S
    Victor S over 1 year

    I would like to change my "Device name" as shown in the settings panel. How do I do this?

    enter image description here

    • Admin
      Admin almost 10 years
      1st answer worked fine for me on 14.04, many thanks
  • Samik
    Samik almost 12 years
    Or sudo hostname preferredname ?
  • Anwar
    Anwar almost 12 years
    @Samik, unfortunately sudo hostname preferredname won't work. I checked that. thanks
  • Victor S
    Victor S almost 12 years
    Sorry, these steps don't work, but I guess it's good to change the etc/hosts file to reflect what is in etc/hostname anyway. Thanks.
  • Anwar
    Anwar almost 12 years
    Only renaming the hostname change the device name in details. but There will be an error relating to hostname in each sudo command to terminal
  • Anwar
    Anwar almost 12 years
    Only changing the hostname, causes error to be shown on each sudo command to the terminal
  • Anwar
    Anwar almost 12 years
    @VictorS, yes, only changing the hostname causes errors to be shown in terminal
  • atenz
    atenz almost 12 years
    Thanks for noticing me about that , can you post the exact errors you see . According to Hostname man page Edit /etc/hostname for permanent change, even i tried this method and haven't encountered any such errors.
  • Anwar
    Anwar almost 12 years
    I edited /etc/hostname to a new name anwar from previous one anwar-precise. The error after rebooting the system and executing a sudo command is sudo: unable to resolve host anwar. It may be only warning. I executed sudo gedit command
  • vine_user
    vine_user almost 12 years
    Thats right. I rewrote the description.
  • atenz
    atenz almost 12 years
    I searched for these and concluded you need to change both hosts and hostname to reflect complete changes , depending on maybe loopback , DNS , domain-name, resolv.conf. But its better to do changes in both of them. Yet i haven't encountered any such error ,must be different interface.
  • UnKNOWn
    UnKNOWn over 3 years
    very nice.. Changes are immediate..