Check if variable is set and then echo it without repeating?


Solution 1

The closest you can get to what you are looking for is using short form of ternary operator (available since PHP5.3)

echo $a ?: "not set"; // will print $a if $a evaluates to `true` or "not set" if not

But this will trigger "Undefined variable" notice. Which you can obviously suppress with @

echo @$a ?: "not set";

Still, not the most elegant/clean solution.

So, the cleanest code you can hope for is

echo isset($a) ? $a: '';

Solution 2


PHP 7 introduces a new feature: Null coalescing operator

Here is the example from

// Fetches the value of $_GET['user'] and returns 'nobody'
// if it does not exist.
$username = $_GET['user'] ?? 'nobody';
// This is equivalent to:
$username = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] : 'nobody';

// Coalescing can be chained: this will return the first
// defined value out of $_GET['user'], $_POST['user'], and
// 'nobody'.
$username = $_GET['user'] ?? $_POST['user'] ?? 'nobody';

For those not using PHP7 yet here is my original answer...

I use a small function to achieve this:

function ifset(&$var, $else = '') {
  return isset($var) && $var ? $var : $else;


$a = 'potato';

echo ifset($a);           // outputs 'potato'
echo ifset($a, 'carrot'); // outputs 'potato'
echo ifset($b);           // outputs nothing
echo ifset($b, 'carrot'); // outputs 'carrot'

Caveat: As Inigo pointed out in a comment below one undesirable side effect of using this function is that it can modify the object / array that you are inspecting. For example:

$fruits = new stdClass;
$fruits->lemon = 'sour';
echo ifset($fruits->peach);

Will output:

(object) array(
  'lemon' => 'sour',
  'peach' => NULL,
Juha Untinen
Author by

Juha Untinen

Senior Software Developer at Finnair. I've worked as a developer since January 2011. In my professional work, I have mostly used the following, with an odd language/library here and there in addition to these. For me, any language goes :) Backend: Python, Node.js, PHP, RTE, Java, Go Frontend: Polymer, React, Vue, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular 6 And some supporting tech: Vagrant, VirtualBox, Nginx, Amazon AWS, Jenkins, Apache, Docker I also have a lot of personal projects, most of which are in:

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • Juha Untinen
    Juha Untinen about 2 years

    Is there a concise way to check if a variable is set, and then echo it without repeating the same variable name?

    Instead of this:

        if(!empty($this->variable)) {
            echo '<a href="', $this->variable, '">Link</a>';

    I'm thinking about something in the lines of this C-style pseudocode:

        echo if(!empty($this->variable, '<a href="', %s, '">Link</a>'));

    PHP has sprintf, but it doesn't quite do what I was hoping for. If course I could make a method/function out of it, but surely there must be a way to do it "natively"?

    Update: Ternary operations would also repeat the $this->variable part, if I understood it?

    echo (!empty($this->variable) ? '<a href="',$this->variable,'">Link</a> : "nothing");
  • Juha Untinen
    Juha Untinen about 11 years
    The $this->variable would still repeat in the "do something" part. I'd like to do it without repeating it multiple times in the command. (downvote wasn't mine...)
  • christian
    christian over 9 years
    Often I'll use a technique similar to this but with empty which also accounts for empty strings
  • Inigo
    Inigo almost 8 years
    I thought of this as well. However, the following problem arises: $data = []; $data['a'] = 2; echo ifset($data['b']); var_dump($data); Will return array(2) { ["a"]=> int(2) ["b"]=> NULL }. So the ifset function actually modifies the original data object...
  • Felix Eve
    Felix Eve almost 8 years
    You are totally right Inigo - I'd never realised that as don't usually use this with arrays. Looks like we'll have to wait till we are using PHP7 for a solution that definitely doesn't modify the original object.
  • Gary Carlyle Cook
    Gary Carlyle Cook over 6 years
    Good thinking. Shame there isn't an inbuilt PHP function and surprising too.