CMD Batch file virtually press the enter key


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Working my mind with computers Computers has seen me through many a tough times. It has kept me occupied, entertained and on my toes for many years. It has kept my mind activated and has even made me dream about my work. Now working with computers has become my profession more than a hobby. It has pushed me to test my limits and made me to become a self-sufficient learner that I am today. I would also like to widen my gaze and gain much more knowledge about this wonderful technology. The confidence that I have got, working with this amazing technology has made me an effective communicator. I would like to work more and more with computers and hope to use my powers for good.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Dragonborn
    Dragonborn over 1 year

    I am working in a manufacturing company. We manufacture PCB for HDD. Each PCB need to be loaded with firmware in manufacturing process. I would open the application the i would browse for the suitable ini file and then start uploading the FW to PCB.My problem is when I open the application initially it would show some warning message box with window name "Warning" for CRC error. Then I would close this window by clicking OK button or the "X" button int the corner an then load correct ini file and start uploading the process. I would like to create a batch file which will open the FW application close this warning window. I find that there are only three possible ways.

    1. The batch file must virtually press "Enter" key to click OK button to close the warning window.
    2. The batch file must virtually press the corner "X" button to close the warning window.
    3. The batch file must look for the window name "Warning" and close it.

    I have surfed through internet for a solution but I end up helpless. If there is any way it would be greatly helpful.

  • fixer1234
    fixer1234 about 7 years
    You can freely edit your own posts but for your protection, this must be done under the original user account. It looks like you may have tried to edit the answer without logging into your account. BTW, the site uses some markdown to format posts to make them more readable. I keep trying to fix that for you and you keep undoing it. I've also tried fixing the strange random capitalization and you put that back, also. I can't be sure the edit is yours, and the formatting changes make it less readable, so I'll vote to reject it. Please review the previous edits.