Computer won't wake from sleep after suspend [xfce, debian testing]


Solution 1

Removing light-locker and using lightdm solved the problem for me on Debian 10.

$ sudo apt install lightdm
$ sudo apt remove light-locker

On Thinkpad T410.

Solution 2

If restarting LightDM after switching+log-in in the text console helps, then you can try this solution, found originally here: In the VT1 console, you can write this 1-line script:

while true; do DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --auto && break || sleep 1s; done

It will start looping. Then you switch to the GUI console (Ctl-Alt-F7), and in 1 second it should become active, with login prompt. If this works, we can create a fully automatic solution.


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I am a freelancing coder that is not very advanced with what he has learned. I am a Linux user that moved from Windows (I hold Windows and Linux/Unix in high regards, I have no favorite, just Linux seems a lot more useful to me for what I do). I actively preform mathematics in research and recreation. I also play PC games, my favorite game being Quake.I enjoy collecting fine writing and drawing utensils, like the Rotring 600 and the Staedtler 925-25/35. I usually have no idea what I'm doing half the time.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • SpecialBomb
    SpecialBomb almost 2 years

    So, ever since I switched to xfce, I have been having some issues with suspending my system.

    My system wakes from sleep normally most of the time, but every once in a while, my computer will turn on, and my status lights will turn on, but my screen won't initiate. I really have no idea why this happens, and it's been bothering me for too long.

    I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with xscreensaver. This is because I have disabled it, but I managed to wake my computer immediately one time and was greeted both to the lightdm login screen, then afterwards the xscreensaver login, which shouldn't be there.

    • Dávid Horváth
      Dávid Horváth almost 5 years
      I have similar problem. As a workaround, I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 then Ctrl+Alt+F7. After this, X11 session will be reactivated in a few seconds.
    • SpecialBomb
      SpecialBomb almost 5 years
      @DávidHorváth ah, you posted this right after it started happening again. I guess its another bug? Ill try that next time.
  • SpecialBomb
    SpecialBomb over 6 years
    That didn't seem to work. I only had full power mode and ram power only mode, and I still had issues with either one of them.
  • EsmaeelE
    EsmaeelE over 4 years
    I remove my previous comments, [see in history]. Installing either xscreensaver or xfce4-screensaver instead of light-locker not solve this problem. I think something is wrong in lightdm when want to turn on monitor. This solution completely disable any way of lock monitor.
  • Allexj
    Allexj almost 3 years
    @vp1147 It FIXED the bug/issue. Thanks!!!
  • over 2 years
    This worked for me on Devuan Beowulf (corresponding to Debian 10) running the default graphical stack (xfce4). I will now do a recoverXsession script to run in another VT when it gets stuck after sleeping for long. Thanks!