Concatenate a single column into a comma delimited list


Solution 1

  Regions = STUFF
      SELECT ',' + r.RegionName
       FROM @Region AS r
       INNER JOIN @SalesPersonRegion AS spr
       ON r.RegionID = spr.RegionID
       WHERE spr.SalesPersonID = sp.SalesPersonID
       ORDER BY r.RegionID
       FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
FROM @SalesPerson AS sp
ORDER BY sp.SalesPersonID;

Solution 2

           select ',' + r.RegionName
           from @SalesPersonRegion as spr 
               inner join @Region as r on r.RegionID = spr.RegionID
           where spr.SalesPersonID = sp.SalesPersonID
           for xml path(''), type
       ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
       , 1, 1, '')
from @SalesPerson as sp

see sql fiddle example

Solution 3

Try this query:

FROM @SalesPerson sp
        (SELECT ','+r.RegionName
        FROM    @Region r INNER JOIN @SalesPersonRegion spr ON r.RegionID = spr.RegionID
        WHERE   spr.SalesPersonID = sp.SalesPersonID
        FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS Regions


SalesPersonID SalesPersonName Regions
------------- --------------- ----------------
1             Jeff            North,South,East
2             Pat             South,East,West
3             Joe             North,West
Jeff Reddy
Author by

Jeff Reddy

First and foremost, I'm a dad. Then I'm a golfer. Since golf doesn't pay the bills, I'm also a developer. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, it's just that I don't have the time outside of work to develop. Being a dad takes up most of my time at home, and when I have the time, I like to hit the links. I've been developing with Microsoft products since 1999. I started with Visual Basic 5.0, moved onto 6.0 and then .NET in 2003. Since then, I have worked with both VB .NET and C# working on a multitude of windows, web and service applications. Currently, my role has moved beyond developer and as much as I like to sit down and write some code, I find myself managing contractors, services and infrastructure more than coding. I still mentor developers from time to time, most often refactoring code others write that I do writing my own.

Updated on June 10, 2022


  • Jeff Reddy
    Jeff Reddy about 2 years

    I've seen multiple examples of people rolling up a single column into a comma delimited list, but I need a bit more.

    Here is an example of the data and results I need.

    DECLARE @SalesPerson table (SalesPersonID int, SalesPersonName varchar(10))
    DECLARE @Region table (RegionID int, RegionName varchar(15))
    DECLARE @SalesPersonRegion table (SalesPersonID int, RegionID int)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPerson (SalesPersonID, SalesPersonName) VALUES (1,'Jeff') 
    INSERT INTO @SalesPerson (SalesPersonID, SalesPersonName) VALUES (2,'Pat') 
    INSERT INTO @SalesPerson (SalesPersonID, SalesPersonName) VALUES (3,'Joe') 
    INSERT INTO @Region (RegionID, RegionName) VALUES (1,'North') 
    INSERT INTO @Region (RegionID, RegionName) VALUES (2,'South') 
    INSERT INTO @Region (RegionID, RegionName) VALUES (3,'East') 
    INSERT INTO @Region (RegionID, RegionName) VALUES (4,'West') 
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (1,1)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (1,2)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (1,3)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (2,2)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (2,3)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (2,4)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (3,1)
    INSERT INTO @SalesPersonRegion (SalesPersonID,RegionID) VALUES (3,4)

    A simple select will get me each sales person, with each of that salesperson's region.

    FROM @SalesPersonRegion spr
        JOIN @SalesPerson sp
            ON spr.SalesPersonID = sp.SalesPersonID
        JOIN @Region r
            ON spr.RegionID = r.RegionID 

    In this case, it will return 9 Rows.

    I would like to get results like this:

    SalesPersonID    SalesPersonName      Regions
    1                Jeff                 North,South,East
    2                Pat                  South,East,West
    3                Joe                  North,West
  • Adir D
    Adir D almost 11 years
    I think the cross apply and additional nested selects just complicates things needlessly.
  • Adir D
    Adir D almost 11 years
    How does this differ from my answer?
  • i-one
    i-one almost 11 years
    It seems it can live without , TYPE and .value('.[1]','nvarchar(max)'), isn't it ?
  • Adir D
    Adir D almost 11 years
    @i-one have you tried it with a region named Cape Cod & Islands?
  • Roman Pekar
    Roman Pekar almost 11 years
    It doesn t have [1] but in general you right this one is redundant here - i've spent too much time with formatting and sql fiddling
  • i-one
    i-one almost 11 years
    Yeah, I see &, good point. Is it the only point or are there more potentially?
  • Bogdan Sahlean
    Bogdan Sahlean almost 11 years
    In this case it's matter of style. Usually, I like to find/see all source tables/views/etc. in FROM clause (of parent query).
  • Adir D
    Adir D over 10 years
    @i-one any non-XML-safe character, e.g. > -> &gt;, < -> &lt;, etc.