Conversion failed when converting date from character string


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Alex K.
Author by

Alex K.

E-mail: [email protected]

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Alex K.
    Alex K. almost 2 years

    I am trying to rearrange Invoice date field of YYYMMDD into short date format DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY UK/British format in a SELECT statement.

    Performing on MSSQL server 2008 R2


    CONVERT(date,CAST(columnvalue AS VARCHAR),103)

    Produces YYYY-MM-DD

    CAST(right(convert(varchar,columnvalue),2)+substring(convert(VARCHAR,columnvalue ),5,2) + left(convert(VARCHAR,columnvalue ),4)AS VARCHAR)

    Produces DDMMYYY

    CONVERT(date,CAST(right(convert(varchar,columnvalue),2)+substring(convert(VARCHAR,columnvalue),5,2) + left(convert(VARCHAR,columnvalue),4)AS VARCHAR),103) 


    "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"

    What am I doing wrong?

    • Arulkumar
      Arulkumar about 5 years
      Invoice date data type is date or varchar?
    • Alex K.
      Alex K. about 5 years
      It fails because you attempt to convert 'ddmmyyyy' into a date & that input format is not supported - it's interpreted as 'yyyymmdd' - e.g. with mm == 20
    • Zohar Peled
      Zohar Peled about 5 years
      What is the data type of columnvalue?
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    Not helpful. GETDATE() retrieves current computer date and not Invoice date value in database table. Also, the AS [DD/MM/YYYY] just changes the column name title.
  • Arulkumar
    Arulkumar about 5 years
    I gave AS [DD/MM/YYYY] for your understanding, you can place AS [InvoiceDate] or what ever you are required. As I already asked in comment, what is the data type of invoice date and for which sample date it throw error?
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    So the first "convert" returns results so the column must already be a date data type. But format is still YYYMMDD and not required 103 British format of DD/MM/YYY.
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    So this worked, but no slashes or dashes that is needed.
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    CONVERT(char(10),CAST(right(convert(varchar,invoicedate),2)+‌​substring(convert(VA‌​RCHAR,invoicedate),5‌​,2) + left(convert(VARCHAR,invoicedate),4) AS VARCHAR) ,103) AS "Invoice Date"
  • Zohar Peled
    Zohar Peled about 5 years
    Convert with style 103 returns dd/mm/yyyy with slashes. 105 returns dd-mm-yyyy with dashes. If you've got a different value you did it wrong.