Convert MathType equations to native Word 2007/2010 equations


Solution 1

I have found that GrindEq offers a MathType-to-Word-Equation converter, it seems to do a proper job. Shareware.

Solution 2

MathType has a toggle TeX feature that's convenient for converting a single equation or small selection of equations either from MathType to LaTeX or vice versa. There's also the Convert Equations command on the MathType Ribbon in Word that gives you more conversion options.

Solution 3

this way works converting from mathtype version 7... to ms word 2016:

  1. double click on equation and open it within mathtype editor.
  2. go: preferences > cut and copy preferences
  3. click: MathML or TeX
  4. select: MathML 2.0 (namespace attr) from dropdown list
  5. click ok
  6. select equation and copy
  7. paste into ms word (select "Create an OMML equation" if a pop up appears)
  8. Thats all, I hope it works.

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Craig Kokay
Author by

Craig Kokay

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Craig Kokay
    Craig Kokay almost 2 years

    I have upgrade to Maximo Anywhere 7.6.1, which included an upgrade to MobileFirst 7.1. All has gone well, except that I cannot see any of the apps in the Ops Console.

    I get this response when I do the get-dist

    [wladm] Error accessing xxxxx/userAndConfigInfo?locale=en_US: Internal Server Error

    and I get this when I do the get-deploy

    [wladm] Error accessing xxxx/wladmin/userAndConfigInfo?locale=en_US: 500 Internal Server Error [echo] Worklight Server [xxxxx:9082/wladmin] NOT RUNNING

    If found this in the server log, but following the technote I cannot find those setting

    Error from Eclipse

    11/2/16 22:14:38:710 EDT] 00000165 SystemErr R Exception in thread

    "Initialization thread for Worklight runtime MaximoAnywhere" java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up.120 secs.

  • krlmlr
    krlmlr about 12 years
    My problem with MathType is that I have been unable to make it output native Word equations instead of MathType objects.
  • Hosein Rahnama
    Hosein Rahnama almost 7 years
    It seems that GrindEq is not free, Is there any free software?