Converting a datetime to a numeric representation


That approach can work, not sure what would happen with localization settings. If you use the built in datetime conversion function options ( you can avoid using the replace and not worry about locales.


select CAST(convert(varchar,getdate(),112) as int)
Dominic Goulet
Author by

Dominic Goulet

Data & BI Architect Ruby On Rails Enthusiast Passionate about Web development

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Dominic Goulet
    Dominic Goulet about 2 years

    I want to convert a datetime field into a numeric representation in form of YYYYMMDD. So, my logic here is (from 2011-01-01 12:00:00.000 to 20110101) :

    convert(int, replace(cast(getdate() as date), '-', ''))

    According to MSDN ( ), the string representation is [always?] "YYYY-MM-DD", so I simply convert that string to an INT after removing dashes from the string.

    Will this always works? Will I encounter some problems with that? Is there a better way to achieve this?


  • Mike Walsh
    Mike Walsh over 12 years
    (Format 112 is the ISO date/time format - I prefer using it whenever I work with dates, works regardless of where I or my system is - yyyymmdd... ) Just replace getdate() with your date field. 112 will also remove the time.
  • Dominic Goulet
    Dominic Goulet over 12 years
    Really like it. Works pretty well and is a shorter form. Thanks !
  • Moe Sisko
    Moe Sisko over 12 years
    @Mike Walsh - I'm nitpicking, but maybe slightly better to use : "varchar(8)" instead of "varchar" (with implied default of length 30) in the convert function.
  • Mike Walsh
    Mike Walsh over 12 years
    Perhaps nitpicking, perhaps not. The output will be an 8 and there won't be any issue of truncation or data issues. I don't believe there would be an implicit conversion issue between varchar(n) and varchar(m) but it never hurts to be explicit here :-)