Detect clicked element by using directive


Solution 1

You can either bind directly to that element or check which element has been clicked on, using the target attribute:

element.on('click', function (e) {
  scope.$apply(function () {
    if (angular.element('tour-close-tip')) {

Solution 2

Your eventListener is not on the X but on the outer div element. One option would be to add the listener to the X element using a query selector on the element

You could try something like the following to get the X span and add the listener


Another probably better approach would be to use event delegation such as

  element.on('click', selector, function(e){       


Edit: I see your comment regarding not using JQuery so this may not work as Angular doesn't support event delegation with .on as far as I am aware.

Solution 3

you could use this:

app.directive('myDir', [
  function($document) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: true,
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        var x = angular.element(document.querySelector('.tour-close-tip'));
        x.bind('click', function() {

here's a demo plnkr:

there's a heading with class 'tour-close-tip' there, and we attached a click event to it.

try it out, click the heading and look in your browser's console.

from this demo hopefuly you can make progress with your code.

Author by


Angular, Ionic, Firestore, Typescript, PrimeNG Connect with ME : Twitter

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Sampath
    Sampath almost 2 years


    <div my-dir>
       <tour step=" currentstep">
           <span tourtip="Few more steps to go."

    I have written below directive to detect the x element of tour directive.But it always shows the parent div element even though I have clicked the x.So how can I do this ? Thanks in advance.


    .directive('myDir', [
      function($document) {
        return {
          restrict: 'A',
          scope: true,
          link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            element.on('click', function(e) {
              scope.$apply(function() {
                if (element[0].className === 'tour-close-tip') {
                  console.log('my task');
              e.stopPropagation(); //stop event from bubbling up to document object


    enter image description here

    This is the generated HTML on the browser:

    <div hide-element-when-clicked-out-side="" class="ng-scope">
       <tour step=" currentstep" class="ng-scope">
         <span tourtip="Few more steps to go.!" tourtip-next-label="Close" tourtip-placement="bottom" tourtip-offset="80" tourtip-step="0" class="ng-scope">
          </span><div class="tour-tip" tour-popup="" style="display: block; top: 80px; left: 0px;">
        <span class="tour-arrow tt-bottom"></span>
        <div class="tour-content-wrapper">
            <p ng-bind="ttContent" class="ng-binding">Few more steps to go.!</p>
            <a ng-click="setCurrentStep(getCurrentStep() + 1)" ng-bind="ttNextLabel" class="small button tour-next-tip ng-binding">Close</a>
            <a ng-click="closeTour()" class="tour-close-tip">×</a>

    Can you tell me how to access class="tour-close-tip" element within the above directive ? For me it always shows the ng-scope as the class.

  • Sampath
    Sampath about 9 years
    Can you tell me the value of the selector ?
  • Sampath
    Sampath about 9 years
    Can I use this within my directive ?
  • Asta
    Asta about 9 years
    The selector is just a css selector that targets the html within the element. So based on the original html span should do.
  • Sampath
    Sampath about 9 years
    Thanks a lot for your support :)
  • Sampath
    Sampath about 9 years
    Thanks a lot for your support :)
  • Sampath
    Sampath about 9 years
    Wow... Great. Thanks a lot my friend :)