disable maximum password length on Windows Server


Solution 1

Im not sure about disabling it, It not sure if you want to degrade security on the server.

Start a command prompt as administrator in windows

Run the following command:

net user MyUser MyPasswordIsReallyLongIs36Characlong /ADD /Y

For a domain user:

net user MyUser MyPasswordIsReallyLongIs36Characlong /ADD /DOMAIN /Y 

Should fix the problem.

Solution 2

Run rsop.msc on the machine that is giving you the issues. Then look under:

Computer Conf > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Pol > Password Pol

Under there, it will show you Source GPO that is setting the restriction. Then you can open Group Policy management and find the policy needed.


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Frederik Krogh
Author by

Frederik Krogh

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Frederik Krogh
    Frederik Krogh almost 2 years

    When trying to create a password longer than 16 chars on my Windows 2012 server, it is refused due to the password being to long. I have tried looking for a GPO called "Maximum Password Length" - which i cannot find. The problem might be in: PwdFilt or PCNSFLT. Screenshot of regedit where i Also looked.1

    The problem is we need 36 char passwords on the SQL 2014 server we are installing to do encryption.

    Any suggestions?

  • Frederik Krogh
    Frederik Krogh over 7 years
    I tried this, but there is no max length pwd pol.
  • Frederik Krogh
    Frederik Krogh over 7 years
    This could very well be the solution. Let me try it tomorrow and I will get back to you.
  • Cory Knutson
    Cory Knutson over 7 years
    Did you also check via launching gpedit.exe on the local machine? The local security policy would be in effect if there were no domain policies. It would be under the same path.