driver intel ac wireless 9560 Ubuntu 18


It is a bad idea to play with this stuff using kernels before 4.16+. You use 4.15. Also, this stuff is extremely tricky.


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Eden Corbin provides web development and programming services. Areas of expertise include data driven websites, mobile apps, and games. Eden has experience in C#, Java, Node.js, .NET, HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT. Eden has worked with PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, and MySQL databases. Eden is versed in Visual Studio, Unity, Gamemaker, Maya, Photoshop, After Effects, and has worked on applications and games published in Android, iOS, and Windows Stores.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 2 years

    I'm trying to install Ubuntu 18 on my new Legion Y530 laptop that has a Intel AC Wireless 9560. I know the hardware works as my windows boot drive connects fine. However the live environment does not detect internet (it says off and on button does nothing). The installer also does not detect my network. I'm hesistant to install if I can't connect to internet, what are the recommended steps to proceed and get my wi fi working, and is this not possible without actually installing?

    • Jeremy31
      Jeremy31 almost 6 years
      Likely not possible without installing but installing with an internet connection has been causing some issues lately, see… and post the results for the wireless script.
    • edencorbin
      edencorbin almost 6 years
      @Jeremy31 are you recommending I install without an internet connection and then plug in LAN afterwards? Would a manual installation of the driver perhaps fix it?
    • Jeremy31
      Jeremy31 almost 6 years
      Yes, do the entire install without internet
  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 6 years
    I'll probably install and try this, but so I understand, is it normal this driver 9560 would not be present in live mode and or ubuntu 18.04 installer prior to install? I guess I'll just have to try to find out, but wondered if this is a known issue or omission.
  • Kevin
    Kevin almost 6 years
    I'm not an expert but according to this site ( ) the drivers should be there since kernel 4.14, I believe Ubuntu 18.04 is using kernel 4.15.
  • Nirmik
    Nirmik almost 6 years
    Hi, it would be useful if you could provide the step by step commands that a user can copy and paste , in your answer instead of quoted text saying copy to this location.
  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 6 years
    I tested Fedora 28 and Kubuntu 18, I figured that would rule out Rufus 3.1/USB corruption and Kernel version (I believe Fedora is 4.17). Same issue/error, no wireless connection detected at all. Can I install a driver in the live environment?
  • chili555
    chili555 almost 6 years
    What are being referred to above as 'drivers' are actually firmware files. The needed driver iwlwifi is already included in Ubuntu 18.04. Do the logs complain about missing firmware? dmesg | grep iwl
  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 6 years
    @chili555 whole computer died (likely unrelated), I'll get back on this thread in a few days once Lenovo has fixed it.
  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 6 years
    @chili555, so I checked my lib/firmware and I already have iwlwifi-9000-pu-b0-jf-b0-34.ucode which is the file I downloaded from intel for their linux support. I'm at a total loss what to try next. I ran the wireless info script suggested on the thread, not sure if any info there is useful.
  • chili555
    chili555 almost 6 years
    Where is the result of the wireless script? What is most useful is the dmesg I requested above.
  • edencorbin
    edencorbin almost 6 years
    Well, I returned the laptop, so I'm not sure I can continue troubleshooting, any way to close thread?