dynamic delegate to pass a method as parameter in C#


Solution 1

You can use a simple Action

void AddMethod(Action action) //or void AddMethod(Func<TResult> fxn)

and call as





AddMethod(() => Math.Max(1,3));  
AddMethod(() => (int)Math.Sqrt(4));
AddMethod(() => new int[]{8,5,6}.Min())

void AddMethod(Func<int> fxn)
     int i = fxn() * fxn();  // <---

Solution 2

Since .NET doesn't allow delegates with an unknown parameter syntax (this would approximate C void pointers, which is not something you want in a type-safe language), the closest thing that allows a variable argument list would be to pass an array of object arguments (i.e. object MyMethod(params object[] args)).
However, since this array is also an object reference, you can suffice with a single object reference:

object MyMethod(object arg))

The .NET framework also does this, see e.g. the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate)

So the basic idea is that you require that the user writes his code as a method that matches the above signature, and in turn it can receive any variable list of arguments of any type or size.

Kamyar Nazeri
Author by

Kamyar Nazeri

Coder for life with expertise in C++, C#, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and most recently with a focus on Cloud, Deep Learning in Computer Vision, and Generative Models. Homepage: knazeri.github.io Twitter: @knazeri LinkedIn: kamyar nazeri GitHub: github.com/knazeri

Updated on June 24, 2022


  • Kamyar Nazeri
    Kamyar Nazeri about 2 years

    Is there any way to use DLR to reference a method in C#?

    In dynamic languages like JavaScript or Python I could easily pass a method as an argument to another method. In C# being statically typed language, I either use Delegate type which needs lots of casting:

    public static void AddMethod(Delegate del)
        // implementation

    and then use casting whenever I call this method

    static void Main(string[] args)
        AddMethod(new Func<object, bool>(Test));
    public static bool Test(object obj)
        return true;

    Or, I need to define dozens of overloads to satisfy any method calls:

    public static void AddMethod<TResult>(Func<TResult> method)
    public static void AddMethod<T, TResult>(Func<T, TResult> method)
    public static void AddMethod<T1, T2, TResult>(Func<T1, T2, TResult> method)
    public static void AddMethod<T1, T2, T3, TResult>(Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> method)

    Is there any cleaner way to define an argument as a placeholder for all other methods? (I'm trying to avoid MethodInfo or other Reflection stuff here)

    I was trying something like this:

    public delegate dynamic DynamicDelegate(params dynamic[] args);
    public static void AddMethod(DynamicDelegate method)

    But the compiler doesn't seem to accept a statically typed method for a dynamically declared delegates!

    Any other thoughts?