Enabling compiz effects on Gnome3


I'm sorry for bad news but Gnome3 will not work with Compiz as it has its own windows manager compositor called Mutter/Clutter. However, if you will use Gnome 2 you will be able to run Compiz and enjoy its effects.

Eric Weischedel
Author by

Eric Weischedel

please delete me

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Eric Weischedel
    Eric Weischedel almost 2 years

    How can I enable compiz effects on Gnome3 on ubuntu 11.10?

    I already installed ccsm and compiz-plugins-extra.

    What else should I do?

    • Knowledge Cube
      Knowledge Cube over 12 years
      Welcome to Ask Ubuntu! By "GNOME 3", are you referring to the GNOME Shell interface or GNOME Classic? You can't use Compiz in GNOME Shell, but you can in Classic.
    • Knowledge Cube
      Knowledge Cube over 12 years
      Related (but not a duplicate): askubuntu.com/q/8276/18612
  • Knowledge Cube
    Knowledge Cube over 12 years
    Technically, GNOME Classic is GNOME 3, as is GNOME Shell. We must be careful with terminology here.
  • thomasrutter
    thomasrutter over 11 years
    Mutter and compiz are both compositing window managers that make use of 3d acceleration. Gnome 3's shell relies on mutter in the same was as Unity3d relies on compiz: you cannot switch window managers unless you also stop using gnome-shell. On the other hand, mutter does a lot of the same things that compiz does and does provide some similar effects, though without any of the same emphasis on customisability - customising it is extremely limited if possible at all - for the most part you are stuck with it as it is. It's designed more to just work and not make itself obvious.