Excel VBA wildcard search


You can use Like operator (case-sensitive):

Private Sub search_Click()
    For firstloop = 3 To 10
        If Range("G" & firstloop).Text Like name.Text & "*" Then
            MsgBox "Found!"
            Exit Sub
            MsgBox "NOT FOUND"
        End If
End Sub

for case-insensitive search use:

If UCase(Range("G" & firstloop).Text) Like UCase(name.Text) & "*" Then

Also if you want to determine whether cell contains text (not only starts with text), you can use (case-sensitive):

If InStr(1, Range("G" & firstloop).Text, name.Text) > 0 Then

or (case-insensitive)

If InStr(1, Range("G" & firstloop).Text, name.Text, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then


If the point only to show msgbox, then I'd suggest to use Application.Match:

Private Sub search_Click()
    If Not IsError(Application.Match("abc" & "*", Range("G3:G10"), 0)) Then
        MsgBox "Found!"
        MsgBox "NOT FOUND"
    End If
End Sub
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • HumanlyRespectable
    HumanlyRespectable almost 2 years

    I currently have an Excel file with 1 column and many rows. The column holds a first name, last name, and possibly a middle name (EXAMPLE: John Abe Smith). I am writing a macro that has 1 textbox and 1 button. In the excel sheet I have a couple names:

    Column A
    John Abe Smith
    Cindy Troll Bee
    Randy Row
    Joe Jumbo
    Katie Kool Kat

    I want to write a macro that when I type something in the textbox and click the button, it will look in this column for the name. If it finds it, then just say "found" in a message box.

    I want to use the wildcard "*" when searching the names, but I do not know how. I currently have some code like this, but the wildcard does not work:

    Private Sub search_Click()
        For firstloop = 3 To 10
            If Range("G" & firstloop).Text = name.Text & "*" Then
                MsgBox "Found!"
                Exit Sub
                MsgBox "NOT FOUND"
            End If
    End Sub

    For example, let's say I type in "Troll" in the text box and I click the button. I want the loop to go through the column to find anything with "Troll" in it. The result from the example data would be just Cindy Troll Bee.

    How could I go about doing this?