firebase cloud messaging: setBackgroundMessageHandler not called


Solution 1

For anyone experiencing the same problem, here is the answer:

short summary: do not include a "notification" element in your json message.

Solution 2

This is a solution that worked for me in a webapp. It displays the notification with title and body text along with an image and handles the user click.



// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  authDomain: 'YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN',
  databaseURL: 'YOUR_DB_URL',
  projectId: 'YOUR_PROJ_ID',
  storageBucket: 'YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET',
  messagingSenderId: 'YOUR_SENDER_ID',
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(function (payload) {
  console.log('Handling background message ', payload);

  return self.registration.showNotification(, {

self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {

JSON Message

  "message": {
    "token": "YOUR_TARGET_APP_TOKEN",
    "data": {
      "title": "FCM Message",
      "body": "This is an FCM Message",
      "icon": "",
      "link": ""

Solution 3

As mentioned by others, including notification in the payload stops it working on the web JS SDK, however you need it present for it to work in native apps.

The workaround I found for the web was to use the web browser native EH push to handle the event manually:

  self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
    console.log('SW: Clicked notification', event)

    let data =



  self.addEventListener('push', event => {
    let data = {}

    if ( {
      data =

    console.log('SW: Push received', data)

    if (data.notification && data.notification.title) {
      self.registration.showNotification(data.notification.title, {
        body: data.notification.body,
        icon: '',
    } else {
      console.log('SW: No notification payload, not showing notification')

Solution 4

When you try to send a push message are you doing it while your app is on focus or not? Because from the documentation, it says that setBackgroundMessageHandler is only called when the Web app is closed or not in browser focus.

Based on the example code from the quickstart (

If your app is in focus: the push message is received via messaging.onMessage() on the index.html
If your app does not have focus : the push message is received via setBackgroundMessageHandler() on teh service worker file.


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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Mathias
    Mathias almost 2 years

    I am prototyping browser push notifications with FCM. I just copied the example code from the quickstart ( Messages are recieved and displayed as they should be. But when I try to modify the message in the Service Worker (messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler) nothing happens. The service worker is called, and if I implement an event listener in that service worker for the push notifications, it catches the event. But the method setBackgroundMessageHandler is never called. I am trying this on Chrome 54.

    Any ideas what I need to do to customize the message in the service worker?

    Thank you very much!

  • Mathias
    Mathias over 7 years
    Sorry. Forgot to mention this: on focus it works well and onMessage method is called and I can do what I want with the message. When the page has no focus, the notification is displayed but I cannot customize it within the setBackgroundMessageHandler method as it is never called.
  • Phillip Stack
    Phillip Stack over 7 years
    This saved my life. I was literally going crazier trying to understand why my handler was not being called.
  • Tushar Gandhi
    Tushar Gandhi over 6 years
    Very helpful. Thanks :)
  • Henry
    Henry over 6 years
  • acmsohail
    acmsohail about 6 years
    If I remove the "notification" then it supports fro web app. But it doesn't support for mobile Android and IOS. Any solution?
  • Khurram
    Khurram over 5 years
    Same problem as @acmsohail.
  • Adnan
    Adnan over 5 years
    @acmsohail did you find any solution?
  • acmsohail
    acmsohail over 5 years
    @Adnan not yet.
  • kva
    kva almost 5 years
    setBackgroundMessageHandler and self.addEventListener('notificationclick') not working for firefox
  • Titan
    Titan over 4 years
    I posted an answer above to work around this issue on web while maintaining support for native apps
  • SRR
    SRR about 4 years
    Two years later they it still has this behaviour, you saved my life
  • kapil pandey
    kapil pandey almost 4 years
    For me neither messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler() nor messaging.onMessage() was getting called. With your workaround I finally got console messages upon receiving notification