Generate unique random numbers between 1 and 100


Solution 1

For example: To generate 8 unique random numbers and store them to an array, you can simply do this:

var arr = [];
while(arr.length < 8){
    var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
    if(arr.indexOf(r) === -1) arr.push(r);

Solution 2

  1. Populate an array with the numbers 1 through 100.
  2. Shuffle it.
  3. Take the first 8 elements of the resulting array.

Solution 3

Modern JS Solution using Set (and average case O(n))

const nums = new Set();
while(nums.size !== 8) {
  nums.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1);


Solution 4

Another approach is to generate an 100 items array with ascending numbers and sort it randomly. This leads actually to a really short and (in my opinion) simple snippet.

const numbers = Array(100).fill().map((_, index) => index + 1);
numbers.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
console.log(numbers.slice(0, 8));

Solution 5

Generate permutation of 100 numbers and then choose serially.

Use Knuth Shuffle(aka the Fisher-Yates shuffle) Algorithm.


  function fisherYates ( myArray,stop_count ) {
  var i = myArray.length;
  if ( i == 0 ) return false;
  int c = 0;
  while ( --i ) {
     var j = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( i + 1 ) );
     var tempi = myArray[i];
     var tempj = myArray[j];
     myArray[i] = tempj;
     myArray[j] = tempi;

     // Edited thanks to Frerich Raabe
     if(c == stop_count)return;




Improved code:

function fisherYates(myArray,nb_picks)
    for (i = myArray.length-1; i > 1  ; i--)
        var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*i);
        var t = myArray[i];
        myArray[i] = myArray[r];
        myArray[r] = t;

    return myArray.slice(0,nb_picks);

Potential problem:

Suppose we have array of 100 numbers {e.g. [1,2,3...100]} and we stop swapping after 8 swaps; then most of the times array will look like {1,2,3,76,5,6,7,8,...numbers here will be shuffled ...10}.

Because every number will be swapped with probability 1/100 so prob. of swapping first 8 numbers is 8/100 whereas prob. of swapping other 92 is 92/100.

But if we run algorithm for full array then we are sure (almost)every entry is swapped.

Otherwise we face a question : which 8 numbers to choose?

Author by


Hmm not alot really.

Updated on February 19, 2022


  • dotty
    dotty about 2 years

    How can I generate some unique random numbers between 1 and 100 using JavaScript?

    • dotty
      dotty about 14 years
      Not really a dupe as this is focusing on javascript.
    • Pointy
      Pointy about 14 years
      @dotty well there's no essential difference between doing this in Javascript and doing it in any other language, but I won't vote to close.
    • Josh Stodola
      Josh Stodola about 14 years
      I won't vote to close either. This is specific enough.
    • sje397
      sje397 over 13 years
      This is different. Picking 8 numbers at random from 100 has an answer more efficient than shuffling, which is not the case when you pick all numbers in the range. The proposed dup specifically calls for picking all numbers in the range.
    • Jan
      Jan over 13 years
    • Huangism
      Huangism almost 6 years
      There is another cleaner way to do this…
  • Roman Starkov
    Roman Starkov about 14 years
    Actual code is so much better for such questions than pseudocode ;) (deleted my answer that was pseudocode...)
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    O can be picked ; use var randomnumber=Math.ceil(Math.random()*100)
  • dotty
    dotty about 14 years
    Doesn't work. Firebugs output was "[84, 10, 68, 14, 55, 85, 44, 55]"
  • dotty
    dotty about 14 years
    Another test case displayed " [70, 70, 54, 60, 82, 50, 23, 33]"
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 14 years
    Added Alsciende's contribution too
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Permutation solutions are better because they don't become exponentially worse when the number of elements to pick increase.
  • dotty
    dotty about 14 years
    This seems a better, and shorter, solution.
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 14 years
    @Alsciende wouldn't it depend on the ratio of numbers being picked to the numbers to pick from? For example, if picking 8 numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 I would think this would work better. If picking 800,000 numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 the Knuth Shuffle would be better suited.
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    This approach is correct but suboptimal: you could stop shuffling after eight swaps, since you need only eight random numbers. The code above swaps the entire array (in this scenario, 100 elements).
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 14 years
    But then your eighth number is random from 1 to 92, not 1 to 100. If you had to pick 90 numbers, your last number would only be picked from 1 to 10, wouldn't it?
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Yes, that's totally right. Although the permutation solution is only in O(n), so I think that's a fair price for safe reusability.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    @adam0101 No, because he removes numbers as he picks them. So in step 5, there are only 99 numbers in his array. @belugabob You are not more efficient than Knuth Shuffle. In fact, the splice is probably more expensive than the shuffle (which is perfectly reliable)
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    @adam0101: He's removing the chosen element from the array (see step 4 above), thus avoiding that any elements gets chosen twice. He then uses a lower upper bound for the next random number, simply because the array is shorter.
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    You don't need to shuffle the entire array of 1,000,000 numbers. You only need to swap eight numbers, so that the first eight elements are shuffled.
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    -1: this algorithm is the naive approach; it's very inefficient.
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    @Alsciende, Yes - thought that there would be a way of doing this more efficiently using a shuffle, but wasn't completely sure. To to avoid deleting the item from the array, simply copy the last entry from the array (providing it wasn't the one that you picked) into the position which you picked from.
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 14 years
    Wow. Naive seems a bit strong. It may not be the best solution, but it's simple, short, easy to see what's going on, and runs within acceptable operating parameters for what needs to be accomplished. On to the next task. Perfection is great, but 'done' is better than 'perfect'.
  • Marcel Korpel
    Marcel Korpel about 14 years
    @Frerich: Although I found some inefficiencies (the for loop could be replaced by i=arr.length; while (i--)), I'd be interested in your solution.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    See my response for an implementation in js
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    The main issue with adam0101's answer is that you can't build a function out of it. It only works well if the number of picks is vastly inferior to the size of the set.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    The code could be seriously improved. Return values, side effects and function usage are all really blurry IMO. Maybe if you write a function that answers the original problem exactly, using your fisherYates function, it would be clearer.
  • Pratik Deoghare
    Pratik Deoghare about 14 years
    Answer updated with improved code. Also, @Frerich Raabe: problem with stopping after eight swaps is mentioned.
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    Nice recursive implementation - I've posted an alternative, in my answer, that doesn't use splice, as I feel that this is an avoidable performance hit (Not that the OP had any issues with performance)
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Your Fisher-Yates algorithm is wrong. r should depend on i. See my anwser:…
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Ah! recursion is so much more elegant :P But your solution is nice, avoiding the slice. You could make it nicer by decreasing values.length instead of using maxIndex. I prefer my slick Array#pick method, though. (and don't worry about competition, nobody voted me up :( )
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    The reason for not decrementing values.length, is that there is no guarantee that decreasing the length of an array is not done by reallocating memory. Using maxIndex has the same effect, by simply ignoring the last entries in the array, as they become irrelevant.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Your solution is clever, but I won't use it in my Array#pick method because I don't want this to have its elements shuffled around when I return it.
  • Pratik Deoghare
    Pratik Deoghare about 14 years
    Ooops sorry my horrible mistake!! Your implementation is cool. Liked it. +1 . Please let me know if anything else is wrong with it.Thanks.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Yes, it's still wrong :) i should start at myArray.length and decrease. As it is now, your first step picks a random index between 0 and 0. Otherwise it's correct, but you should rename the stop_count parameter (e.g. nb_picks) and return myArray.slice(0, nb_picks) instead of manually creating result. Might as well use the standard library, right?
  • second
    second about 14 years
    surely it's more efficient to tweak the code to only do the first 8 shuffles? (and then take the last 8 elements of the semi-shuffled array)
  • Pratik Deoghare
    Pratik Deoghare about 14 years
    Yes right. Learning a lot from you. :) Please,take a look at it again! Thanks again.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Well... Now i is initialized with myArray.length, right? So you can't read myArray[i] (well you can but it's undefined). Either start at length-1 (and change the value of r and stop at 0 instead of 1) or access the element as myArray[i-1]. Also, declare i with var.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    On second thought: if you start at length-1, you must stop at 1. But if you start at length, you must stop at 2.
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    @The Machine Charmer: Performing just eight swaps is fine. It's a standard optimization and the chances of ending up with '1,2,3,76,5,6,7,8' are extremely small. Unless you have a bug in your algorithm implementation. ;-)
  • Frerich Raabe
    Frerich Raabe about 14 years
    @Marcel Korpel: The efficiency problems with this solution are on a higher level; the old (like, over 70 years old!) Fisher-Yates algorithm is both shorter and faster. A few of the other answers here use it.
  • Pratik Deoghare
    Pratik Deoghare about 14 years
    @Frerich Raabe: There are total 100! and there are 92! permutations with first 8 elements untouched. So there is 92!/100! chance that I end up with [1,2,3,..8] :) Not so good i guess :D
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    i=1 must be included in your loop, and r must be Math.floor(Math.random()*(i+1)) to have a random number in [0,i].
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    Which array do you not want to be shuffled, the original 1-100 array or the results? The former shouldn't matter, as it's a working array, and the latter will, by the nature of the code, come out in a random order anyway. Not quite sure that I understand your reasons.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    The original one. I implemented a generic Array#pick method, which I find useful. This function doesn't know if this is a working array or not. To be generic, it doesn't alter this more than necessary.
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    But it still alters it, even if only a little, which is unaviodable when using this technique.
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    Hum it doesn't look like you read my answer at all before commenting... My Array#pick method "removes n random elements from array this and returns them". "removes" being the key word here. Just like Array#splice, Array#pick removes some elements, but leaves the rest of the array untouched.
  • belugabob
    belugabob about 14 years
    I read your answer just fine - if Array#splice removes elements, then the array has been changed - or am I missing something?
  • Alsciende
    Alsciende about 14 years
    I said "it doesn't alter this more than necessary". The necessary part is the goal of the function : "removes n random elements from the array and returns them". The unnecessary part is "elements get shuffled around".
  • tchrist
    tchrist over 11 years
    This is how I always do it, too. So if I wanted ten random lines from a file with a bunch of lines in it, I do randlines file | head -10.
  • Om Shankar
    Om Shankar over 11 years
    @Alsciende. Glad that you noticed. The OP has asked between 1 and 100. But this answer's code includes 0 as well - Math.floor(Math.random()*i);
  • surfmuggle
    surfmuggle over 9 years
    Upvote because i never saw the run code snippet before
  • Oscar Yuandinata
    Oscar Yuandinata over 9 years
    if I want to make a code (8 random alphanumeric string) for coupons, which has to be unique, how can I do it with Chance.js? note: the coupons will be made on demand, so the number of codes will be indefinite
  • Victor Quinn
    Victor Quinn over 9 years
    @OscarYuandinata that's easy, just do var codes = chance.unique(chance.string, 8) If you need the codes pulled from a particular character pool, you can specify that like this: chance.unique(chance.string, 8, {pool: "abcd1234"}) where abcd1234 can be any characters you want in the pool. See
  • Oscar Yuandinata
    Oscar Yuandinata over 9 years
    @VictorQuinn, sorry i didn't make myself clear. I mean the coupon code will be 8 characters random alphanumeric string, not an array of 8 random alphanumeric string. hahaha..
  • Victor Quinn
    Victor Quinn over 9 years
    Oh @OscarYuandinata that's far easier heh chance.string({ length: 8 }) and if you only want certain characters to appear in that string, chance.string({ pool: 'abcd1234', length: 8 }) which would return a random 8 character string from the characters abcd1234, so for example "2c2c44bc" or "331141cc"
  • user391986
    user391986 about 9 years
    This gives me one value in the array that says undefined every 4-5 runs
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 9 years
    @user391986, I'm not seeing that behavior. What browser are you using? Do you get that result if you click the "Run code snippet" button in my answer?
  • user391986
    user391986 about 9 years
    In Google chrome if I run it 5-10 times in a row I get some undefined values back sometimes
  • adam0101
    adam0101 about 9 years
    I can't reproduce it using Chrome. Perhaps it's a browser extension you're using or your implementation.
  • kaizer1v
    kaizer1v about 9 years
    This is a very slow algorithm, since you are running a for loop to check if a random integer already exists, instead have a tempObject with the key and the value same as the random number to check if that key already exists (as shown in my answer).
  • Qian Chen
    Qian Chen about 9 years
    There is a chance the function returns a 0 in the array. According to this link:…, Math.random() Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). If the Math.random() accidentally returns 0, the Math.ceil(0) is also 0, though the chance is low.
  • TBE
    TBE over 8 years
    what will happen if i want 0 to be included? the line min = (min) ? min : 1, will always returns 1. (so 0 will never be selected)
  • kaizer1v
    kaizer1v over 8 years
    A very good point. :). Thank you, I have made the appropriate change. It will now return even if you pass in a 0.
  • arslan
    arslan over 7 years
    best solution ever. so simple, worked great for me :)
  • arslan
    arslan over 7 years
    it works great for a small amount. when I try to generate 1000 numbers, it crashed
  • roberto tomás
    roberto tomás about 7 years
    I think is is the proper answer, because it maintains the probability distrubtion, which the accepted answer does not
  • Michael Geary
    Michael Geary over 6 years
    @ElgsQianChen Yes, the use of Math.ceil() with Math.random() is always wrong. Besides the chance of returning 0, it also gives an uneven distribution of values. Math.floor() is the correct function to use for something like this.
  • Michael Geary
    Michael Geary over 6 years
    I took the liberty of editing the answer to change the incorrect use of Math.ceil() so it uses Math.floor() instead.
  • Michael Geary
    Michael Geary over 6 years
    @Alsciende Just a note for your other projects, your suggestion of using Math.ceil() was incorrect. See my update to the answer for a correct way to use Math.floor() with Math.random().
  • Marcin Król
    Marcin Król over 6 years
    For the purity of not assigning anything.
  • shinzou
    shinzou almost 6 years
    What if N=10^12? Not very efficient.
  • ЯegDwight
    ЯegDwight almost 6 years
    @shinzou what N? There is no N anywhere in the question. Stay on-topic.
  • shinzou
    shinzou almost 6 years
    Scaled down questions are trivial, in the real world you don't get nice and constant amounts.
  • ЯegDwight
    ЯegDwight almost 6 years
    @shinzou in the real world you wouldn't sort 10^12 numbers using JavaScript. A tirival question calls for a trivial answer. I am not here to solve world hunger. I am well-equipped to do that, but that is not what the question is about.
  • Anthony Wieser
    Anthony Wieser over 5 years
    Why is it O(n)? Can't it loop for an arbitrary amount of time?
  • Alister
    Alister over 5 years
    @AnthonyWieser You're right, worst case. I was implying average case since Set.add is o(1)
  • adam0101
    adam0101 over 5 years
    I think this could return 0 like my answer used to before it was changed to use Math.floor(Math.random()*100) + 1
  • adamfsk
    adamfsk over 4 years
    For this to work with lower bounds other than 1, shouldn't the initial value of maxIndex be either values.length or max - min?
  • Gilad Barner
    Gilad Barner about 4 years
    This is my favorite answer of them all. Dunno why it got only 6 votes. Elegant and with good complexity (provided sort is implemented well, which I'm sure it is).
  • Gilad Barner
    Gilad Barner about 4 years
    Very cool to discover Set in JS! However, wouldn't this solution cause unnecessary generation of numbers until one fits the requirement of uniqueness, especially in the last iterations, if 8 was closer to 100? Thus I think I prefer the also-elegant answer with sort below.
  • Sam Mason
    Sam Mason over 3 years
    @robertotomás which distribution is being maintained? the currently accepted answer correctly uses rejection sampling to implement "sampling without replacement" with uniform probability of choosing each number
  • NoxFly
    NoxFly over 3 years
    This is the method I'm using for a while, but there's a problem with it, because you'll often get "pseudo randomized arrays" which will already have grouped and sorted items at some parts. But there's a way for improve it.
  • 1antares1
    1antares1 almost 2 years
    My favorite answer!