Gevent pool with nested web requests


Solution 1

I think the following should get you what you want. I'm using BeautifulSoup in my example instead the link striping stuff you had.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import gevent
from gevent import monkey, pool

jobs = []
links = []
p = pool.Pool(10)

urls = [
    # ... another 100 urls
def get_links(url):
    r = requests.get(url)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)

for url in urls:
    jobs.append(p.spawn(get_links, url))

Solution 2

gevent.pool will limit the concurrent greenlets, not the connections.

You should use session with HTTPAdapter

connection_limit = 10
adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=connection_limit, 
session = requests.session()
session.mount('http://', adapter)
session.get('some url')
# or do your work with gevent
from gevent.pool import Pool
# it should bigger than connection limit if the time of processing data 
# is longer than downings, 
# to give a change run processing.
pool_size = 15 
pool = Pool(pool_size)
for url in urls:
    pool.spawn(session.get, url)

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • DominiCane
    DominiCane almost 2 years

    I try to organize pool with maximum 10 concurrent downloads. The function should download base url, then parser all urls on this page and download each of them, but OVERALL number of concurrent downloads should not exceed 10.

    from lxml import etree 
    import gevent
    from gevent import monkey, pool
    import requests
    urls = [
        # ... another 100 urls
    POOL = pool.Pool(10)
    def parse_urls(page):
        html = etree.HTML(page)
        if html:
            links = [link for link in html.xpath("//a/@href") if 'http' in link]
        # Download each url that appears in the main URL
        for link in links:
            data = requests.get(link)
            LINKS_ON_PAGE.append('%s: %s bytes: %r' % (link, len(data.content), data.status_code))
    def get_base_urls(url):
        # Download the main URL
        data = requests.get(url)

    How can I organize it to go concurrent way, but to keep the general global Pool limit for ALL web requests?

  • DominiCane
    DominiCane about 11 years
    The problem is that I have 2 types of urls, and each one requires different function to work with it.
  • Ellochka Cannibal
    Ellochka Cannibal about 11 years
    If you need different processors(consumers) for urls, then wrap the logic in the producer, according to the type of url you should spawn a specific function. But they all have one queue.
  • ARF
    ARF over 10 years
    Could you please explain why you use gevent.pool in addition to the connection pool already provided by by HTTPAdapter. Why not simply use gevent.spawn(...)? Many thanks.