Google is not open in any browser


I suspect your local time is wrong.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sidd
    Sidd almost 2 years

    This code is showing me an error.

    def removeFromCart(request):
    obj_to_remove = int(float(request.POST['obj_id']))
    obj_index = request.session['cart'].index(obj_to_remove)
    return redirect('cart')
    • Lorenzo Von Matterhorn
      Lorenzo Von Matterhorn almost 11 years
      what happens when you ping ?
    • Archit
      Archit almost 11 years
      @LorenzoVonMatterhorn it given good response.
    • fixer1234
      fixer1234 almost 8 years
      I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is a 3 yr old problem with a web site that can no longer be replicated.
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    my local time also correct as well as all other https site is work fine.
  • Thalys
    Thalys almost 11 years
    actually, yeah, that would cause ssl to break. And, one reason or the time to be wrong is a dead bios battery. Connection is reset is a different problem might be an ISP thing
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    time is work fine no dead bios battery issue at all.
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    incognito mode. is open ne work but in normal mode it not work and i want to open google in normal mode.
  • Avasyu
    Avasyu almost 11 years
    what about signing out and using http? If it still doesn't work try deleting cookies from
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    what about signing out and using http ? this is not work .
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    and how can i delete cookies ?
  • Avasyu
    Avasyu almost 11 years
    1. press F12 to open developer tools 2. from the tabs choose resources 3. click cookies 4. click then the name of cookies to the right 5. press DEL on keyboard for all
  • Archit
    Archit almost 11 years
    thank yuo but it not work for me . :-(