Gzip file but excluding some directories|files and also append current date


Solution 1

Just cd to the folder from where you want the tarball tress structure to start, and use relative paths! So for instance:

# Note, one folder above
cd /path/to/compress/..
# Tell tar to compress the relative path    
tar -zcvf /path/to/compressed/file.tar.gz compress

When you uncompress it, it will create the compress folder in the current working directory.

You can exclude files or folders using the --exclude <PATTERN> option, and add a date in the filename with date +FORMAT, for instance:

FILENAME="file-`date +%d-%m-%Y-%T`.tgz"
tar -zcvf /path/to/compressed/$FILENAME --exclude cache --exclude logs --exclude bootstrap.php.cache compress

Solution 2

With gnu tar you could use:

--transform=EXPRESSION, --xform=EXPRESSION
      Use sed replace EXPRESSION to transform file names.

which means --xform='s|path/to/||' would remove path/to/ from the path;

      Exclude files matching PATTERN, a glob(3)-style wildcard pattern.

so you could run:

tar -zcvf /path/to/compressed/"$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%T)"-testdir.tar.gz \
--transform='s|^path/to/||' /path/to/compress \
--exclude='cache' --exclude='logs' --exclude='bootstrap.php.cache'

Note there's no leading / in the expression used with xform. A more generic approach:


That would strip the first two elements of the path (replace 2 with another number - as needed).


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Kurtcebe Eroglu
Author by

Kurtcebe Eroglu

A passionate programmer and web developer with a background in front-end and back-end development, which is what he's been doing for over eight years. I had experience in web development using PHP (mostly), MySQL and JavaScript. I follows two major principles everyday work: beauty and simplicity. I believes everyone should learn something new every day. While I'm not working, I spends time coding personal projects, learning, watching screen casts, blogging, etc. Some specific areas of interest for me include cloud computing and anything related to web development among other like system and database administration.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kurtcebe Eroglu
    Kurtcebe Eroglu almost 2 years

    I'm looking for a way to create a .tar.gz file from a directory but I have some doubts. I'm know that the command for create the file is:

    tar -zcvf /path/to/compressed/file.tar.gz /path/to/compress 

    And then I will get a file.tar.gz but this keep the path to the original sources. So this is what I'm looking for:

    • Should be compress as .tar.gz
    • If it's possible shouldn't keep the path to the compressed directory I mean I only needs the compress directory and its content .If I uncompress the file under Windows for example I'll get /path[folder]/to[folder]/compress[folder+content] and I just want the latest
    • If it's possible can I ommit some directories? Example I like to compress app/ folder and its content is:

      drwxrwxr-x  6 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Feb 24 14:48 ./
      drwxr-xr-x 10 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Feb 26 22:33 ../
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu   141 Jan 29 06:07 AppCache.php
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  2040 Feb 24 14:48 AppKernel.php
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu   267 Jan 29 06:07 autoload.php
      -rw-r--r--  1 root   root   94101 Feb 19 21:09 bootstrap.php.cache
      drwxrwxrwx  4 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Feb 25 16:44 cache/
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  3958 Feb 24 14:48 check.php
      drwxrwxr-x  2 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Feb 24 14:48 config/
      -rwxrwxr-x  1 ubuntu ubuntu   867 Jan 29 06:07 console*
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  6148 Jan 29 06:07 .DS_Store
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu   143 Jan 29 06:07 .htaccess
      drwxrwxrwx  2 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Feb 24 14:48 logs/
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu  1118 Jan 29 06:07 phpunit.xml.dist
      drwxrwxr-x  5 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Jan 29 06:07 Resources/
      -rw-rw-r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu 30404 Feb 24 14:48 SymfonyRequirements.php

      But I want to leave out cache/, logs/ directories and bootstrap.php.cache file, how? Is that possible?

    • I need to append the current date (DD/MM/YYYY-H:M:S) to the file name, how?

    Can I get some advise or help on this? I'm planning to add this to a Bash script so it will works as a bash script and not as a command line

    Update: testing inside the script

    Following @Ariel suggestion I have added this line to a bash script:

    read -e -p "Enter the directory to compress: " -i "/var/www/html/" directory
    read -e -p "Enter the filename: " filename
    FILENAME = "$filename-`date +%d-%m-%Y-%X`.tgz"
    cd "$directory"
    tar -zcvf /home/$FILENAME --exclude cache --exclude logs --exclude bootstrap.php.cache --exclude composer.lock --exclude vendor

    But I'm getting this error:

    Enter the directory to compress: /var/www/html/lynxoft/apps/checkengine/
    Enter the filename: checkengine
    /usr/local/bin/script-task: line 109: FILENAME: command not found
    tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

    Why FILENAME is treat as a command and not as a var as docs says?

    Update 2: still compressing the whole path

    I have fixed some issues thanks to users comments and lines on the script looks likes this:

    read -e -p "Enter the directory to compress: " -i "/var/www/html/" directory
    read -e -p "Enter the filename: " filename
    FILENAME="$filename"-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%T).tgz
    cd "$directory/.."
    tar -zcvf /home/$FILENAME "$directory" --exclude="*cache*" --exclude=logs --exclude=bootstrap.php.cache --exclude=composer.lock --exclude=vendor --exclude=.git

    The only remaining issue is that compressed file still having the whole path and not just the end directory. For example:

    Enter the directory to compress: /var/www/html/lynxoft/apps/checkengine/
    Enter the filename: file

    That result in file-28-02-2015-17:44:32.tgz but content inside the compressed file still having the whole path /var/www/html/lynxoft/apps/checkengine/, why?

    • Costas
      Costas over 9 years
      tar -zcvf "/path/to/compressed/$(date +%d/%m/%Y-%X).tar.gz" -C /path/to/compress/ ./ --exclude="*cache*" --exclude=logs (read man tar)
    • Kurtcebe Eroglu
      Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
      @Costas I've tried your solution also but get this tar (child): /home/checkengine(date +%d/%m/%Y-%X).tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory error on console (also tried from the script) why?
    • don_crissti
      don_crissti over 9 years
      You prolly forgot the $ before (date...). Also, @Costas - are you trying to create a file with /s in its name ?
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      @ReynierPM you should not leave spaces in the shell variable declarations! Use exactly FILENAME="..."
    • Kurtcebe Eroglu
      Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
      @Ariel fixed that one but still getting this: tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      @ReynierPM it means that tar is not finding a single file to pack in the path you gave it... check your folders/paths. Actually, you forgot the path to "tar" at the very end of that command line: either add a . (a single dot, meaning everything in the current folder), a *, some filename or some subfolder you want to pack.
    • Kurtcebe Eroglu
      Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
      @Ariel thanks I have fixed that one too but one still, the related to path inside the compressed file can you take a look and point me in the right direction on this one as well?
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      @ReynierPM your tar command still contains an absolute path: you use tar -zcvf /home/$FILENAME "$directory" ... Change that to tar -zcvf /home/$FILENAME . ... (seriously, a single dot, means "everything here")
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      Well, the dots are not very happily chosen, and also better quote the paths, sorry: tar -zcvf "/home/$FILENAME" . --exclude="*cache*" <ETC>
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      Actually i missed you point with the '.' You use cd $directory/.. so you should add: FOLDER=$(basename "$direcory") and then tar -zcvf "/home/$FILENAME" "$FOLDER" --exclude="*cache*" <ETC>
    • Ariel
      Ariel over 9 years
      You may use backticks instead of $(), i can't get them here inside code blocks. The command basename gives you the last part of the $directory path, so the forlder you want to compress as a relative path.
  • Kurtcebe Eroglu
    Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
    can you take a look to my latest edit?
  • don_crissti
    don_crissti over 9 years
    Note that %X = locale's time representation; on some systems that means 11:43:11 AM. So quote your variables (and preferably use %T).
  • Kurtcebe Eroglu
    Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
    @don_crissti did you see my latest edit? I have changed the FILENAME to FILENAME = "$filename"-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%T).tgz but still getting the same issue /usr/local/bin/script-task: line 109: FILENAME: command not found tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive why? Any advice?
  • Ariel
    Ariel over 9 years
    @don_crissti good point, i fixed my answer with that improvement now, thanks
  • Kurtcebe Eroglu
    Kurtcebe Eroglu over 9 years
    What would be the output of this one? The same but using another approach? If so valid too thanks
  • don_crissti
    don_crissti over 9 years
    @ReynierPM - the output is as per your question. The difference when using --xform is that you don't have to cd to the parent directory & use relative paths. Only available with gnu tar afaik.
  • don_crissti
    don_crissti over 9 years
    @ReynierPM - wrong quoting. It's tar -zcvf /path/to/compressed/"$FILENAME" ... but then your FILENAME="$filename"-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%T).tgz is wrong too, it has to be FILENAME="$filename-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%T).tgz"... or if you want to include the date in the argument passed to tar see my answer.