How can I disable Ctrl+Shift+Arrow from causing my screen to flip?


Solution 1

Information provided by the asker in a question edit:

Killing a program called "SoftOSM" prevents the shortcut from causing the screen to flip.

Solution 2

I just ran into this exact issue, and found the solution. I use CTRL+ALT+DOWN to duplicate a line of text in Eclipse, so when it flipped my screen I was somewhat perplexed :) My OS is Windows 7 64-bit and here is where the hotkeys can be edited or disabled.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click on "Appearance and Personalization"
  3. Click on "Display"
  4. Click on "Change Display Settings" in the left
  5. Click on "Advanced Settings"
  6. Click on "Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel" tab **
  7. Click on "Graphics Properties" button
  8. Select "Advanced Mode" and click "OK"
  9. Click on "Options and Support" in the bottom-left of the dialog

And voila! You can now change or disable the hotkeys.

This is specific to Intel graphics cards, and if your video card is not Intel then this tab will not be there and the instructions from this point onward will not be useful!

Screenshot of screen where the hotkeys can be edited or disabled:

Screenshot of screen where the hotkeys can be edited or disabled

Solution 3

If you have an Intel graphics processor, you can right-click on your desktop and select Graphics Options > Hot Keys > Disable:



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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • jramm
    jramm almost 2 years

    Getting this odd error when using node-webkit, here is a complete example which can recreate it:


    var jQuery = require('jquery');
    var Backbone = require('backbone');
      var ListView = Backbone.View.extend({
        el: $('body'),
        initialize: function(){
          _.bindAll(this, 'render');    
        render: function(){
          $(this.el).append("<ul> <li>hello world</li> </ul>");
      var listView = new ListView();


    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/main.css" />
     <script src="./js/index.js"></script>

    The stack trace:

    TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got undefined
    at _.extend.setElement     (C:\SVN\mapthing\branches\mapthing_js\node_modules\backbone\backbone.js:1046:45)
    at _.extend._ensureElement (C:\SVN\mapthing\branches\mapthing_js\node_modules\backbone\backbone.js:1108:14)
    at Backbone.View (C:\SVN\mapthing\branches\mapthing_js\node_modules\backbone\backbone.js:1000:10)
    at new child (C:\SVN\mapthing\branches\mapthing_js\node_modules\backbone\backbone.js:1566:41)
    at file:///C:/SVN/mapthing/branches/mapthing_js/js/index.js:18:18
    at file:///C:/SVN/mapthing/branches/mapthing_js/js/index.js:19:3

    Having trouble seeing where my problem is?

    Most solutions seem to point to having to require jquery first, but I have done this...

    I'm a relative n00b so I'm expecting ive done something very daft...

    • DMA57361
      DMA57361 about 13 years
      If you've found a solution then please post an answer (yes, to your own question, it's perfectly acceptable)! In the meantime, I've added a community wiki post that contains the information you provided, feel free to add and accept your own answer post with further details if you wish and I shall delete me CW placeholder.
    • Ken D
      Ken D about 13 years
      How often do we press this combination a day? I mean, no offense but don't press them!
    • nizzle
      nizzle about 13 years
      I think I (and tens of thousands of programmers and developers around the world with me) press this combination maybe 2 or 3 hundred times a day. It is the only way to select the entire word infront of the cursor.
    • Rob M.
      Rob M. about 9 years
      I take it you aren't calling instanceof? It would be helpful to see the code that is causing the issue. If it's happening in the background, can you post your stack trace?
    • jramm
      jramm about 9 years
      @RobM. I have edited to provide a complete, minimal example that gives the same behaviour, along with the stack trace
  • nizzle
    nizzle about 13 years
    I am a software developer and I cannot use my mouse for this. Thanks though.
  • nizzle
    nizzle about 13 years
    There is no hotkeys option in the context menu, I cannot find this option in Catalyst control center.
  • Jon Schneider
    Jon Schneider over 11 years
    Worked for me on my Lenovo ThinkPad T530 running Windows 7. Thanks! One note: If you have Control Panel in "advanced mode," step 2 should be skipped; "Appearance and Personalization" doesn't appear in the Control Panel, but "Display" does.
  • zeh
    zeh almost 9 years
    This is a bad, temporary solution. To completely disable the shortcut, check Denver's answer.
  • Dave K
    Dave K almost 9 years
    Toshiba Satellite S70t-b running Windows 8 (with touch screen)
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    Using Intel HD Graphics Control Panel 4400 driver, this does not work. Even after changing the hot keys, Ctrl-Shift-Left rotates the screen (though the other arrow keys don't!); disabling the hot keys, Ctrl-Shift-Left does nothing (does not select text).
  • Kemal Tezer Dilsiz
    Kemal Tezer Dilsiz over 6 years
    As terrible and temporary as it is, does it deserve down-votes? I don't think so. Please state if this would cause any "real" problem further down the line before down-voting.
  • Kai Carver
    Kai Carver about 4 years
    I got there via "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items" and going to "Intel ® HD Graphics", then "Options and Support" and the "Hot Key Manager" tab, then selecting "Disable" under "Manage Hot Keys".