How can I extract tags from a MP4 file with MP4Box or mediainfo on the command line

  • With MediaInfo:

    mediainfo --Output=XML input.mp4
  • With MP4Box – this won't give you XML though and generally seems hard to parse:

    mp4box input.mp4 -info
  • You can get more detailed output in XML with:

    mp4box input.mp4 -diso

    That would create a file called input_info.xml. This will be too much information for your use case though, I guess.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Endoro
    Endoro almost 2 years

    I want to extract tag information like title, author, encoded date, tagged date and so on from several video, audio and subtitle tracks in .mp4 files (for later use in mkvmerge). I need the extracted information in a text or xml file and searching for the command line parameters. I know the MP4Box docu/mediainfo docu, but they are not very helpful. If you have experience in this, please help.