How can I get my graphics card to be recognized in System Info?


Solution 1

it means that it cannot acquire the information because glxinfo is not installed on the system.

Install it by clicking here:

Install via the software center

Or by typing:

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

This is bug 914631.

After installing mesa-util it's providing information about graphic. In my case (Probook 4530s) "Intel® Sandybridge Mobile", while experience index still the same: Standard.

Solution 2

Install Mesa-Utils by running these commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

Then it will be detected.

Solution 3

For Ubuntu to show the correct information in the details window, You should install the package mesa-utils.

Open a terminal and execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

Solution 4

I have the same graphics device and the "Unknown Driver" problem. This is not a problem with the driver installation but with the fact that Ubuntu is unable to recognize it properly.

If you can see a properly functioning GUI and not a black and white Command-line screen, then your Graphics Card is working fine.

This issue has been frequently discussed:

If the graphics performance appears to be poor it may be simply because Precise does'nt have wobbly windows and other special effects enabled by default (or at least not in low end systems). Download Compiz and enable these effects and animations. They should work fine with Intel GMA Integrated Graphics (they do on mine!).


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Suran
    Suran almost 2 years

    I'm trying to save all the variables in my class into NSUserDefaults using objc/runtime. And below is the code I'm using.

    NSUInteger count;
    Ivar *iVars = class_copyIvarList([self class], &count);
    for (NSUInteger i=0; i<count; i++) 
        Ivar var    = iVars[i];
        NSString *varName = [NSString stringWithCString:ivar_getName(var) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSString *varType = [NSString stringWithCString:ivar_getTypeEncoding(var) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        if([varType hasPrefix:@"["])
            id var1 = [_manager valueForKey:varName];
            NSLog(@"--- %@", var1);
            NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&([_manager valueForKey:varName]) length:sizeof([_manager valueForKey:varName])]
            [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[_manager valueForKey:varName] forKey:varName];
            NSLog(@"---  %@", [_manager valueForKey:varName]);
            [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[_manager valueForKey:varName] forKey:varName];

    The problem is that, when there are only primitive datatypes, the above code works just fine. But, when I try to access a array variable like int[], or float[], it gets crashed with SIGABRT. it is not showing any other messages.

    valueForKey doesn't return any values for C arrays.

    If anybody know how to load values for C-arrays in runtime, please help.

    Thanks in advance,


    • KingofBliss
      KingofBliss over 12 years
      Try using objectForKey instead of valueForKey.
    • Suran
      Suran over 12 years
      But, my class is a subclass of NSObject, not any class like NSMutableDictionary etc, and when I try to use objectForKey it is just showing a warning that, it can't find the method
  • Suran
    Suran over 12 years
    Hi Justin, thanks for the answer but, I didn't get you. Can you explain, how can I achieve this?
  • justin
    justin over 12 years
    @Suran C arrays don't define length, so you need to save the length someplace. So you need to also keep track of the length of the buffer - it's easiest for the class itself to manage the buffer and the buffer's length. So the easy way would be to move the creation of the NSData to the class because it should know the length. Then you can create a convention (I suggested a suffix *property*ForSerialization) for returning deep copies of the buffers as NSData (outlined above). Then you can compose a string from selector+suffix, and then convert that string to a selector to get the data.
  • Suran
    Suran over 12 years
    Can you post some code regarding this? I'm not able to grasp it. Also, to get the size of the array, can't we just use sizeof operator?
  • justin
    justin over 12 years
    @Suran a) I don't know specifically what code you want (to avoid writing everything, which takes time) b) the sizeof operator will not work - it will return the size of a pointer regardless of the number of elements in the array.
  • Suran
    Suran over 12 years
    The thing is that, what I'm trying to accomplish is to get the value of an C array that is a property of the class 'DataManager' of which, '_manager' is an instance. I've saved the property name and property type into two variables varName and varType respectively. Now, I need to retrieve the state of that C array. I'd be really thankful if you can provide me with some sample code to get the value of the C array.
  • Uri Herrera
    Uri Herrera about 12 years
    To be able to recognize it install mesa-utils , compiz IS already install in 12.04 as Unity IS a compiz plug in, what it's not installed is the settings manager, effects like the wobbly windows are not enabled by default on the installation.
  • upapilot
    upapilot about 12 years
    Unity may be a Compiz plugin but I don't think Compiz Settings Manager is installed by default in Ubuntu.
  • Uri Herrera
    Uri Herrera about 12 years
    Yes that's what i said.
  • Uri Herrera
    Uri Herrera about 12 years
    Get th latest Kernel, the Intel drivers are in the Kernel
  • Anwar
    Anwar about 12 years
    @UriHerrera, please add your comment in a question, i worked
  • Uri Herrera
    Uri Herrera about 12 years
    In a question? I don't undertsand..?
  • Anwar
    Anwar about 12 years
    @UriHerrera, oh, it was a typo. I mean answer. Your answer worked.
  • jokerdino
    jokerdino almost 12 years
    @UriHerrera Your comment worked for Anwar. Please add your comment as an answer so he can accept it. Thanks.
  • TrailRider
    TrailRider almost 12 years
    +1 this is a know bug. The card is detected by the system but not shown on the GUI. As stated in the answer installing mesa-uitls will get the card to show. You may also want to see my answer here on installing the texture compression libs that will allow you to play the newer games that require s3tc support.
  • user66498
    user66498 almost 12 years
    Thank you for answer, after I install mesa-uitls the system can get the card to show and I will have a look.
  • waspinator
    waspinator almost 12 years
    and this is not installed by default, why?