How do I correct a directory incorrectly copied into itself?


First, move the new directory out (with a temp name to avoid conflict), then delete the original directory, then rename the new directory into place. Note: because this will involve deleting things en masse, think it through carefully before just running these commands, and make sure you have a backup first. Also, I've written this with &&s between the commands, so if one fails the rest won't run -- good in a script, but if you're doing this manually it's probably better to just type them sequentially, pay attention, and stop if anything goes wrong.

mv <path>/mydir/mydir <path>/mydir-temp &&
rm -R <path>/mydir &&
mv <path>/mydir-temp <path>/mydir

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Peter Boughton
Author by

Peter Boughton

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Peter Boughton
    Peter Boughton over 1 year

    Given the following situation...


    ...where mydir2 should have overwritten mydir1, but was instead placed inside, and both directories actually have the same filename. How is that fixed?

    Attempting to do mv <path>/mydir/mydir/* <path>/mydir/ or mv <path>/mydir <path>/ results in:

    mv: cannot move `<path>/mydir/mydir` to a subdirectory of itself, `<path>/mydir`

    This seems stupidly simple, but it's late here and I can't figure it out.

    There are seventeen such directories to fix (path differs for each, but same mydir name).

    To confirm, the error message can be caused with this:

    # cd /path/to/directory
    # mv mydir/mydir ./
    mv: cannot move `mydir/mydir' to a subdirectory of itself, `./mydir'

    Also tried:

    # mv mydir/mydir/* mydir/
    mv: cannot move `mydir/mydir/otherdir1' to a subdirectory of itself, `mydir/otherdir1'
    mv: cannot move `mydir/mydir/otherdir2' to a subdirectory of itself, `mydir/otherdir2'


    # mv /path/to/directory/mydir/mydir/otherdir1 /path/to/directory/mydir/
    mv: cannot move `/path/to/directory/mydir/mydir/otherdir1' to a subdirectory of itself, `/path/to/directory/mydir/otherdir1'

    and using a temporary directory:

    # mv mydir/mydir ./mydir-temp
    # mv mydir-temp/* mydir/
    mv: cannot move `mydir-temp/otherdir1' to a subdirectory of itself, `mydir/otherdir1'
    mv: cannot move `mydir-temp/otherdir2' to a subdirectory of itself, `mydir/otherdir2'

    I found a similar question "How to recursively move all files (including hidden) in a subfolder into a parent folder in *nix?" which suggested that mv bar/{,.}* . would do this.

    But this also gives the same errors, as well as confusingly picking up . and .. from somewhere.

    # cd mydir
    # mv mydir/{,.}* .
    mv: cannot move `mydir/otherdir1' to a subdirectory of itself, `./otherdir1'
    mv: cannot move `mydir/otherdir2' to a subdirectory of itself, `./otherdir2'
    mv: cannot move `mydir/.' to `./.': Device or resource busy
    mv: cannot move `mydir/..' to `./..': Device or resource busy
    mv: overwrite `./.file'? y

    Another similar question "linux mv command weirdness" suggests that mv doesn't overwrite and a copy is required.

    # cd mydir
    # cp -rf ./mydir/* ./
    cp: overwrite `./otherdir1/file1'? y
    cp: overwrite `./otherdir1/file2'? y
    cp: overwrite `./otherdir1/file3'?

    This appears to be working... except there's a lot of files (and dirs) - I don't want to confirm every one! Isn't the f there supposed to prevent this?

    Ok, so cp was aliased to cp -i (which I found out with type cp), and bypassed by using \cp -rf ./mydir/* ./ which seems to have worked.

    Although I've solved the problem of getting dirs/files from one place to another, I'm still curious as to what's going on with the mv stuff - is this really a deliberate feature as suggested by Warner?

    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Something doesn't add up, mv /path/mydir /path/ tells me that "/path/mydir/ and /path/mydir are the same file"., and mv /path/mydir/mydir/* /path/mydir/ works. The only way I can get that "subdirectory of itself" message is if I reverse the command and mv /path/mydir /path/mydir/mydir
    • Peter Boughton
      Peter Boughton over 13 years
      DerfK, I agree it sounds odd, but I've just run it again and will update the question with the commands...
  • Peter Boughton
    Peter Boughton over 13 years
    I'm confused by the recursive delete command here - if the directory is moved why would it need to be deleted?
  • Peter Boughton
    Peter Boughton over 13 years
    Also, I tried a variant of this and get the same problem - see latest edit to question.
  • javaamtho
    javaamtho over 13 years
    Oops, I had the path in the rm command wrong; I've edited the answer to correct it.
  • Peter Boughton
    Peter Boughton over 13 years
    Ah, I see what you're doing now. This would however mean that any files in <path>/mydir that aren't in <path>/mydir/mydir would be lost. I guess sometimes that's useful, but not in this case.
  • javaamtho
    javaamtho over 13 years
    Are you trying to merge the two mydir directories? I don't think the mv command can do that...
  • clerksx
    clerksx over 11 years
    You should never parse ls. Please see
  • clerksx
    clerksx over 11 years
    Considering the alternative is even shorter (for d in *), and more intuitive, it just seems really strange to do regardless of whether it usually works fine.