How do I enable my synaptics trackpad?


This is tested on Ubuntu 11.10, I don't seem to need it for 12.04.

Note, this involved adding a third-party PPA - proceed with caution.

More on the dangers of PPAs here.

First, make sure we're both experiencing the same problem. Run the following in a terminal:

cat /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf

You should see something like the following:

Section "InputClass"

   Identifier "touchpad catchall"

   Driver "synaptics"

   MatchIsTouchpad "on"

Now, you need to add the PPA - for precise instructions on how to do that, take a look here.

The PPA you need to add is ppa:sergio91pt/synaptics+clickpads

Now, update your system - run the following in the terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

What that command does:

First part updates your system software list - this tells the computer where the software is that it needs to download.

The second part does the actual update of your system software.

Once that's done, reboot your computer - your trackpad should be working now.

After the reboot, you'll want to update/tweak your touchpad settings.

Head to System Settings > Mouse and Touchpad, and then switch to the touchpad tab, and you'll see something like this:

enter image description here

You can play around with those settings as much as you want, just so you can figure out what works best for you.


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Manuel Bachl
Author by

Manuel Bachl

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Manuel Bachl
    Manuel Bachl almost 2 years

    I'm using the Combobox of jQuery UI's autocomplete script. but now i have to implement a function, which hides every option of a second combobox which has not the same id as the selected one after selecting an entry of the first one.

    maybe a little bit clearer:

    select one: kundenauswahl

    select two: jobauswahl

    if an option in "kundenauswahl" is selectet, the script should check the options of the second select/combobox wether they have the same ID than the selected option of "kundenauswahl" if so, those options schould be shown, if not those options should be hidden...

    I don't know where i messed up, but with the script I wrote now, my page stays blank after loading... no error Message in Firebug...

    maybe someone could help?

    I'm sure there are some mor failures inside this script...

    I would be glad if s/o could help me out... :-(

    here's the code:

    $(document).ready(function() { 
            $( "#kundenauswahl" ).combobox({
                selected: function(event, ui) {
                    var optionid = document.getElementById("kundenauswahl")[document.getElementById("kundenauswahl").selectedIndex].id;
                } // selected
            }); // combobox
            $( "#jobauswahl" ).combobox({
            }); //combobox
        }); // ready(function())
    function changeoptions(kundenid) {
        var idtoshow = kundenid;
        for (var counter = 0; counter < document.getElementsByName("joboption").length; counter++) {
            if (document.getElementsByName("joboption")[$counter].id == idtoshow) {
                document.getElementById(idtoshow).style.display = "block";
            } else {
                document.getElementById(idtoshow).style.display = "none";
  • Manuel Bachl
    Manuel Bachl over 12 years
    ok i've got the page working again - i've forgotten to define id's for the options. :-D but it still seems that the handler doesn't work...
  • idanzalz
    idanzalz over 12 years
    what do you mean "the handler doesn't work"? is the selected function not being called? or does it not do what you think it should? BTW, 2 tricks to debug the situation is to use console.log("xxx") and alert("xxx"). the first will write text to the debug console (if your browser supports it) and the latter will throw the message to the screen. so you can tell where the interperter is and you can show different variables. Also, the chrome debugger is awesome IMHO
  • kakeh
    kakeh almost 12 years
  • jrg
    jrg almost 12 years
    @Shyam I don't seem to need the PPA for 12.04, you might have another problem