How do I navigate to a sibling route?


Solution 1

If you are using the new router (3.0.0-beta2), you can use the ActivatedRoute to navigate to relative path as follow:

constructor(private router: Router, private r:ActivatedRoute) {} 

goToContact() {
  this.router.navigate(["../contacts"], { relativeTo: this.r });

Update 08/02/2019 Angular 7.1.0

current route: /department/7/employees/45/sales

the old version will do: /department/7/employees/45/sales/contacts

As per @KCarnaille's comment the above does not work with the latest Router. The new way is to add .parent to this.r so

    // Working(08/02/2019) 
    goToContact() {
       this.router.navigate(["../contacts"], { relativeTo: this.r.parent });

the update will do: /department/7/employees/45/contacts

Update 12/12/2021 Angular > 10

As @ziz194 mention it, this is how it now works.

constructor(private router: Router, private r:ActivatedRoute) {} 

goToContact() {
  this.router.navigate(["contacts"], { relativeTo: this.r });

Solution 2

The RouterLink directive always treats the provided link as a delta to the current URL:

[routerLink]="['./child']"     // or

// with route param     ../sibling;abc=xyz
[routerLink]="['../sibling', {abc: 'xyz'}]"
// with query param and fragment   ../sibling?p1=value1&p2=v2#frag
[routerLink]="['../sibling']" [queryParams]="{p1: 'value', p2: 'v2'}" fragment="frag"

The navigate() method requires a starting point (i.e., the relativeTo parameter). If none is provided, the navigation is absolute:

constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute) {}

this.router.navigate(["../../parent"], {relativeTo: this.route});
this.router.navigate(["../sibling"],   {relativeTo: this.route});
this.router.navigate(["./child"],      {relativeTo: this.route}); // or
this.router.navigate(["child"],        {relativeTo: this.route});

// with route param     ../sibling;abc=xyz
this.router.navigate(["../sibling", {abc: 'xyz'}], {relativeTo: this.route});
// with query param and fragment   ../sibling?p1=value1&p2=v2#frag
this.router.navigate(["../sibling"], {relativeTo: this.route, 
    queryParams: {p1: 'value', p2: 'v2'}, fragment: 'frag'});

// RC.5+: navigate without updating the URL 
this.router.navigate(["../sibling"], {relativeTo: this.route, skipLocationChange: true});
Thorsten Westheider
Author by

Thorsten Westheider

Computer addict since 1981, first computer being a Texas Instruments TI 99/4A (BASIC), followed by Atari 600XL (BASIC/6502 Assembler) and Atari 1040ST (BASIC/68000 Assembler). Abandoned the superior Atari 1040ST when Windows'95 hit and got myself a PC. Taught myself C/C++, switched to Linux when it was still young and lingered there for a while, only to return when Windows had matured some and .NET had arrived. Started developing software in C# and stuck to it for almost a decade. Couldn't stand Javascript, until it dawned on me: "The web always wins." - Scott Hanselman And since the arrival of Angular 2 I think he may actually have a point.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Thorsten Westheider
    Thorsten Westheider almost 2 years

    Let's presume I got this router config

    export const EmployeeRoutes = [
       { path: 'sales', component: SalesComponent },
       { path: 'contacts', component: ContactsComponent }

    and have navigated to the SalesComponent via this URL


    Now I'd like to go to contacts, but as I don't have all the parameters for an absolute route (e.g. the department ID, 7 in the above example) I'd prefer to get there using a relative link, e.g.




    which unfortunately doesn't work. There may be an obvious solution but I'm not seeing it. Can anyone help out here please?

  • KCarnaille
    KCarnaille about 7 years
    I'm actually in the same situation, but it doesn't work for me... something has changed since the official release ?
  • Harry Ninh
    Harry Ninh about 7 years
    @KCarnaille Hmm I'm on @angular/router 3.0.0 (finished, not beta) and it's still working properly. Not sure if they have any breaking changes since then.
  • KCarnaille
    KCarnaille about 7 years
    @Harry Ninh It was my fault actually. A simple issue with path structure :) It's working
  • maxime1992
    maxime1992 almost 7 years
    How can we do that from html with routerLink ?
  • Kugel
    Kugel over 6 years
    Why does navigate behave differently?
  • Jonathan002
    Jonathan002 over 5 years
    do you have a working example of the [routerLink] directive working with sibling route? It keeps switching to an absolute route for me if I use [routerLink]="['../sibling']"
  • inorganik
    inorganik about 5 years
    router.navigate() requires the first argument to be an array - but none of these work even as an array
  • Paul Johnson
    Paul Johnson about 5 years
    Great! I have been baffled by this for about an hour.
  • ziz194
    ziz194 almost 5 years
    This actually shouldn't be solved by .parent just remove the ../ and keep just "contacts" in the path, like this: this.router.navigate(["contacts"], { relativeTo: this.r});
  • godhar
    godhar almost 5 years
    This is good info. Shame angular don't include USEFUL information like this in their docs, like all will every need is a heroes app. How complex can you make routing? You have a tree, absolute and relative paths, arrgh.
  • Craig
    Craig over 4 years
    I really dont understand this logic. So RELATIVE to the parent route, we navigate back one level (grandparent), and move forward to contacts. This should give us /department/7/employees/contacts
  • Marian Simonca
    Marian Simonca over 4 years
    @Jonathan002, same for me. Did you find anything that works?
  • Reactgular
    Reactgular about 4 years
    This answer isn't completely accurate. A path ../something is relativeTo where the component is rendered in the router tree, but it is not relative to the current route because that could be a route deeper in the route tree from where the [routerLink] was applied. If you're trying to do a breadcrumb as an example in the header of your page. It will be relative to where that header is rendered, and most likely not what you want.
  • macwier
    macwier about 4 years
    @Reactgular Then what's the best way to do breadcrumbs? Use router.createUrlLink to create an absolute link based on the currentRoute somewhere and use that inside the router link?
  • Reactgular
    Reactgular about 4 years
    @Botis I updated my breadcrumbs by listening for changes to and NavigationEnd, then I recursive walk router.routerState.snapshot.root and rebuild the breadcrumb trail from there. I check for data attached to route children to see if I should create a breadcrumb for that route, and then I convert activatedRouteSnapshot.pathFromRoot into a string as the URL for that crumb. Yes, it's very complicated. Sadly, couldn't find a better way.
  • Jandro Rojas
    Jandro Rojas about 2 years
    @Reactgular the answer is in fact accurate. "../something" is a relative path, it will be relative to something. In the case of the [routerLink] directive, if [relativeTo] is not specified, it will be relative to the activated route of the host scope (which has always been the intended behavior). Paths in a breadcrumb should always be absolute.