How do I reset Unity default shortcuts?


Through GUI:

  1. Install dconf-editor

    sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
  2. Follow paths one by one, Click Set Default button on bottom right edge.


Using CLI:

dconf reset /org/compiz/integrated/show-hud
dconf reset /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/window-screenshot


  • man dconf
  • A hint to get where any shortcut is stored, use dconf watch / Then try changing them from System Settings → Keyboard → Shortcuts
  • Use -f option to reset a path or directory at once, example:

    dconf reset -f /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/

BTW, for HUD the default shortcut is Alt L, which is the Left Alt, not Alt+L.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user278729
    user278729 almost 2 years

    How do I reset the default value of Unity shortcut?

    In: "System Settings -▸ Keyboard -▸ Shortcuts ..."

    For instances:

    • I can't put the default Alt L for the HUD.
    • I can't put the default Alt+Print to capture the active window.

    Simply typing it doesn't work.

    Solving this in CLI is preferable.

  • user278729
    user278729 about 10 years
    dconf-editor's allready installed. FYI, in the first post before v2r edit it, it was Alt L and not Alt + L......... EDIT: It works thanks a lot, I was tiping those command in root...
  • about 10 years
    @user278729, sure about cli?
  • user278729
    user278729 about 10 years
    I realized I have to type these without root priviledge..., solve.
  • stryder9k
    stryder9k almost 7 years
    In Ubuntu-gnome-16.04 it was under org -> gnome -> desktop -> wm -> keybindings