How do I use jquery ui with requirejs


Solution 1

You need to include jquery-ui:

define(['jquery-ui', 'backbone'], function() {

jquery should be required automatically as it is a dependency of jquery-ui

Additionally, none of these scripts return anything, but their variables are assigned to the window object. No need to assign them.

Solution 2


define(['jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'underscore', 'backbone'], function($, ui, _, Backbone) {
    // $.ui should be defined, but do
    // $.ui = ui if its not
Author by


Hey, I am Bodo Kaiser and I have a bit knowledge around nodejs.

Updated on July 04, 2020


  • bodokaiser
    bodokaiser almost 4 years

    I want to use jQuery UI's addClass function in my application.

    Beside I am using the normal jQuery, underscore, backbone all tiered together with requirejs.

    I have configured jQuery UI like this:

        deps: ["main"],
        paths: {
            "text": "lib/text"
            , "jquery": "lib/jquery"
            , "jquery-ui": "lib/jquery-ui"
            , "underscore": "lib/underscore"
            , "backbone": "lib/backbone"
            , "bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap"
            , "templates": "../templates"
        shim: {
            "jquery-ui": {
                exports: "$",
                deps: ['jquery']
            "underscore": {
                exports: "_"
            "backbone": {
                exports: "Backbone",
                deps: ["underscore", "jquery"]
            "bootstrap": ['jquery']

    In the application I do:

    define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'], function($, _, Backbone) {

    Unfortunately this only does the normal addClass not the animated one from jQuery UI.

    PS: I use the full jQuery edition.

  • Ruan Mendes
    Ruan Mendes almost 12 years
    Don't need jquery, all the other ones already list it as a dependency.
  • Ruan Mendes
    Ruan Mendes almost 12 years
    Shouldn't need to list underscore? Since it's already listed as a dependency of backbone?
  • nickaknudson
    nickaknudson almost 12 years
    IDK if jquery-ui will correctly add itself to $ if jQuery doesn't get assigned to $ in the closure
  • nickaknudson
    nickaknudson almost 12 years
    I've never used requirejs before, so I am just shooting in the dark, but I was concerned about $ being defined for jquery-ui to add itself to $.ui within the closure.
  • Austin
    Austin almost 12 years
    No, actually they do not need to be assigned at all. They assign themselves to the window object (window.$, window._, window.Backbone). Require works by passing in the return value of the included file, these libraries return nothing, but set their global references.
  • nickaknudson
    nickaknudson almost 12 years
    What if different versions are needed, compatibility is on, or multiple $ libraries are used?
  • Austin
    Austin almost 12 years
    Regardless, this is not how require works with these libraries. If this was kept as a function, the values passed in would be null because the scripts return nothing, but preform a global action.
  • bodokaiser
    bodokaiser almost 12 years
    you have to assign them. It can be that some modules work without but there can be some which don't have access to them
  • Austin
    Austin almost 12 years
    Inclusion of these core libraries should also go in your main.js file, in a Require() call.
  • jgomo3
    jgomo3 about 11 years
    @Austin How to assign modules that actually return the module and use jquery-ui and backbone at the same time?
  • Robert
    Robert almost 10 years
    I feel like not including JQuery defeats the purpose of using Require.JS... the idea is to break away from using global variables. Even if it seems unnecessary, it opens a door that would have otherwise been closed.