How do you find out if a linux machine overheated before the previous boot and was shutdown in Debian?


When the machine overheats, before kernel shuts down the system, it produces a message stored in the log file. For systemd setup this file is accessible via journalctl command and the relevant output should look like this:

Jul 09 05:28:39 jjmach kernel: thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (96 C), shutting down
Jul 09 05:28:40 jjmach root[27818]: ACPI event unhandled: thermal_zone LNXTHERM:00 000000f0 00000001
Jul 09 05:28:57 jjmach kernel: thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (96 C), shutting down
Jul 09 05:28:57 jjmach lightdm[174]: Failed to get D-Bus connection
Jul 09 05:28:46 jjmach pppd[17312]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jul 09 05:29:00 jjmach org.a11y.Bus[265]: Reloaded configuration
Jul 09 05:28:42 jjmach systemd[1]: Stopping Daemon for power management...

So we need to search for 'critical temperature' stuff in the $SYSTEMD_PAGER (usually less) or directly:

journalctl -g 'temperature|critical'

You can add -b -1 to search only in messages of the boot before last.

With that being said, I think 60°C is really very low for tripping point. Most CPUs often reach that temperature during compilation or other resourceful tasks. Be sure you have all proper modules loaded (for you processor) and check thermal parameters with sensors-detect followed by sensors command.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • TestDjay
    TestDjay over 1 year

    I have a sign up screen which has 4 textfields, First name, last name, email & password.

    Apple keyboard prediction for password works fine but for others

    First Name textfield shows "Full Name" in prediction Last Name shows "Full Name" email textfield shows "Password" key on right.

    How can i update this to show First Name textfield's prediction will show "FirstName" instead of "FirstName lastName" same with last Name textfield and for email textfield it should show "emailaddress@,," in prediction

    this is not a custom keyboard UILexicon doesn't work

    • Paulw11
      Paulw11 about 6 years
      Have you set the textContentType of your text field?
    • Ed Grimm
      Ed Grimm over 5 years
      What version of what distribution? Your one word answer is "Probably", but the location to look may be different between distributions, especially if the install is old. Most people here would prefer to give an answer that was right from the start, without writing a very long document explaining all of the possibilities.
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 5 years
      Do you use systemd?
    • jimmij
      jimmij over 5 years
      So did you searched journalctl?
    • leeand00
      leeand00 over 5 years
      @jimmij No I guess not...what should I grep for? Something about temperature?
  • telcoM
    telcoM over 5 years
    For a rack-mount server, sensors for monitoring the temperature of ambient air or input airflow are actually reasonably common, and 60°C is a common tripping point for that: if the ambient air is at that temperature, the server room probably has had a major HVAC failure and system cooling is going to be compromised, so the system shuts down to protect itself. Such servers often have hardware error logs: try ipmitool sel or vendor-specific tools to access the hardware error log.