How does SQL Server know what precision to use for money


Solution 1

Money has 4 decimal's a fixed-point data type.

Solution 2

This produces the correct results, but I'm not sure if it performs well enough for you and I haven't tried it with data other than the examples you listed:

with money_cte ([Key], [someMoney])
    select 1, cast(5.00 as money)
    select 2, cast(5.002 as money)
    select 3, cast(5.0001 as money)

select [Key], [someMoney], abs(floor(log10([someMoney] - round([someMoney], 0, 1)))) as places
from money_cte 
where [someMoney] - round([someMoney], 0, 1) <> 0


select [Key], [someMoney], 2 as places
from money_cte 
where [someMoney] - round([someMoney], 0, 1) = 0
Daniel A. White
Author by

Daniel A. White

I'm a Software Engineer in Indianapolis, Indiana who is #SOreadytohelp! Member of the .NET Foundation.

Updated on June 29, 2022


  • Daniel A. White
    Daniel A. White about 2 years

    How does SQL Server know to retrieve these values this way?

    Key         someMoney
    ----------- ---------------------
    1           5.00
    2           5.002
    3           5.0001

    Basically, I'm wondering how to know how many decimal places there are without much of a performance hit.

    I want to get

    Key         someMoney             places
    ----------- --------------------- ----------
    1           5.00                  2
    2           5.002                 3
    3           5.0001                4
  • Andrew Barber
    Andrew Barber almost 13 years
    Four are being used. If you insert the value 1, mssql stores 1.0000
  • Daniel A. White
    Daniel A. White almost 13 years
    How does sql server then return it with only 2 decimal places?
  • Chains
    Chains almost 13 years
    So I'm researching this, and came across the concept of VARDECIMAL storage format. (It's a table property.) I initially thought ah-ha! But when I looked at my database, I see it's turned-off and I still get the same display you do. So I don't think this is the answer, but might be worth reading:…